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作者 王祥賓
摘要:傳統塑膠射出模具遇到結構複雜或深寬比長的模仁時,常會有不飽射、氣泡殘留等問題,但受限於逃氣孔位置過遠或無法使用等問題,因此需要使用透氣模具或滑塊來解決逃氣之問題,提升射出產品的良率。金屬粉末雷射造型複合加工技術所具有的加工柔性,可以在模具的任選位置上構造出具有稀鬆緻密度的多孔質層,孔徑範圍:0.03-0.6 mm,用於排除模內困氣,甚至用作為氣輔成型時的腔內進氣部位[1]-[5]。本案例開發之模具加入創新的SLM多孔隙製程技術,可控的孔隙度、孔洞大小與厚度,可使空氣能順利滲透,降低注射壓力、減少成型和保壓時間。現今多以加入透氣鋼來解決,但目前市售透氣鋼價格昂貴且有相當多的局限性,因此本文利用此技術開發所產生的孔洞性來應用於模具上,使氣體跑入模穴就從周圍的孔洞排出,避免真空現象發生[6]-[9]。
Abstract:When traditional plastic injection molds encounter mold cores with complex structures or long aspect ratios, they often have problems such as insufficient injection and residual air bubbles. However, they are limited by problems such as too far away from the escape holes or cannot be used. Therefore, it is necessary to design and use a breathable molds or ventilated sliders are used to solve the problem of air escape and improve the yield of injection products.The processing flexibility of the metal powder laser molding composite processing technology enables it to control the melting degree of the metal powder through laser, so as to control the density of the molding parts. Effect using this technology, a loose and dense porous layer can be constructed at any position of the mold, with a pore size range of 0.03-0.6mm, which is used to eliminate trapped air in the mold, and can even be used as a barrier for gas-assisted molding and intake part of the cavity.[1]-[5]The article on the multi-porous breathable mold developed in this case is to combine the current popular technology-composite laminated manufacturing technology to realize the design and manufacture of complex flow channels, adding innovative SLM multi-porosity process technology, controllable porosity , pore size and thickness, so that air can penetrate and pass through smoothly. The characteristic is to reduce injection pressure, reduce molding and holding time. Nowadays, it is mostly solved by adding breathable steel. However, the current commercially available breathable steel is expensive and has considerable limitations in performance. Therefore, this article uses the porosity produced by the metal laminate manufacturing technology to apply it to the mold, so that the gas enters the mold cavity is discharged from the surrounding holes and avoid vacuum phenomenon.[6]-[9]
Keywords:Additive manufacturing, Selective laser melting, Multi-porous breathable mold
德國KIT實習學生Stella於2020年1月6日~3月4日參與SLM實驗室,利用雷射不同掃描策略/參數,設計田口實驗共32組,藉由量測硬度、粗糙度等數據探討SLM與熱處理後的趨勢,建立參數資料庫。本研究目的在研究以下製程參數(即掃描間距、掃描速度和雷射功率)對結果表面粗糙度和微硬度的影響。 根據實驗設計如表1與表2,使用不銹鋼 420 數次列印立方體形式的樣本結構,實驗結果將使用接觸式表面輪廓儀和洛氏硬度計來測量樣本表粗與硬度。 下一步驟對樣本熱處理,並且在後處理前和後檢查樣本的微觀結構,並使用分析結果。
表1 DoE
表2 實驗參數表
- 立方體(高x寬x長):15x15x15 mm
- 2 個相鄰的長方體,一個標準,一個 DoE
- 頂面與側面量測表面粗糙度
- 測量所有 4 個樣本的表面粗糙度以計算平均偏差
- 頂面與側面量測硬度
將兩個尺寸均為 15.5x15x15 mm(高x寬x長)的立方體並排放置,通過熔化在一起形成一個部件。 由於需要通過線切割將零件從底板上移除,因此高度增加了 0.5 mm。 這些長方體列印有不同的參數設置,其中紅色長方體的參數設置保持不變,藍色長方體的設置根據 DoE 的不同而變化。 決定雷射能量密度如式(1)的因素為掃描速度、掃描間距和雷射功率在兩個級別上有所不同。
DoE 基於中心複合設計,其中紅色長方體代表具有標準列印參數設定的中心。而藍色長方體的設定是在經過八次運行的完整階乘計劃後更改的。 選擇低於標準設定的 DoE 級別值和高於標準設定的級別值(掃描間距值除外),因為由於機台設置的限制,只有兩個掃描間距值可以調整(參見圖1、表3)。
圖1 樣本結構和中心複合設計示意圖
表3 實驗設計表與能量密度值
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2023年12月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)