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作者 謝騄璘
Abstract:USA electric vehicle sales will continue to rank second after surpassing Japan in 2022, and the market share shows continued growth. The total sales of electric vehicles in the United States will account for more than 10% in 2022 and will reach a new high of more than 15% in the first half of 2023. In the first half of 2023, pure electric vehicles continued to rank first in the market with 46.3%, but hybrid vehicles followed closely with a gap of 5%; Tesla continued to rank first with nearly 30% of the market share, and Honda's market share driven by the honeymoon period of the facelift, it surpassed Ford. In addition, implementing multiple policies requires the proportion of production in the United States and the production of components in the United States, which is conducive to forming an electric vehicle industry ecosystem with the United States as the core. In the future, Taiwan can consider using the foundation of Taiwan-USA technology trade and investment cooperation structure to participate in the construction of USA electric vehicle charging piles through group warfare and accelerate its entry into the supply chain list of brands with factories in the United States or cooperate in the research and development of key components.
Keywords:USA, Electric vehicle, Business opportunities
2022年美國通過「削減通膨法案」(Inflation Reduction Act, IRA),將美國消費者最高7,500美元稅務補貼,延長至2032年,並取消車廠電動車款銷量累積超過20萬輛後車主無法取得抵免限制(Tesla及GM先前都已達此限制)。
圖 1 美國電動車銷量占比分析[1]
美國電動車市場,以純電動車(Battery Electric Vehicle, BEV)為最大占比,且具備占比小幅增長趨勢(2022年45.8%,2023年H1增長為46.3%)如圖2。混合動力車(Hybrid Electric Vehicle, HEV) 2023年H1以市場占比42.7%位居第二,與BEV占比差距持續維持於5%內(2022年差距2.2%,2023H1差距3.6%)。插電式混合動力汽車(Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle, PHEV)維持10.0%以上水平,2023年H1占比較2022年成長0.5%。燃料電池電動車(Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle, FCEV)占比小幅下滑,2022年0.2%下滑為2023年H1之0.1%。
圖 2 美國電動車銷量分動力類型占比分析[1]
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