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- 機械工業雜誌
- 歷史雜誌
作者 郭光輝
Abstract: Despite the advantages provided by the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) and the 12th 5-Year-Plan’s supposed stimulation to Taiwan’s metal forming equipment export to China, on the contrary, a rapid decline in both the trading amount and global ratio ranking, accompanied by alarming weakening product competitiveness towards the Chinese market. An insight into the current metal forming industry and market trends of China is essential for Taiwanese supplier in order to gain better market share at more profitable mid-to-high-end markets, while in terms of strategy there is more to do for every industrial player: to fully give free rein to its own strength and features on product quality, R&D innovation, sales and marketing efficiency, manufacturing capabilities and process management, thus strengthening all market segmentation and differentiation. Further, to take the route of avoiding “red ocean” market by efficient industrial elevation and transformation and step on the path paved with innovative products, production process perfection, business model changes and endeavoring to achieve better management capabilities, finally reach better profitable mid-to-high-end market.
Keywords:Metal Forming Industry, Industrial Concentration, Industrial Cluster
2010年台灣與中國簽屬『兩岸經濟合作架構協議』(ECFA),台灣將金屬成形設備納入早期收穫清單之列,金屬成形設備出口至中國大陸自2012年起享有零關稅之優惠,此將有利於增加台灣金屬成形設備於中國大陸之競爭力。2011年中國大陸為謀求長期經濟平衡發展,推動經濟改革之第十二個五年計畫,也為台灣企業隨中國經濟政策展開,創造更多可發展空間及利基。在ECFA架構協議零關稅及中國第十二個五年計畫展開雙重利基下,台灣企業在中國具有文化差異小及中國大陸政治政策考量等優勢;然,檢視台灣金屬成形設備近三年主要出口前十大國家之出口金額,如表1,顯示,除2010年金融海嘯後呈現急速反彈現象外,2011年起出口至中國大陸之出口金額佔比及出口金額逐年下降,自2010年以來出口金額衰退幅度達已30 %;2010年出口金額佔比仍達50 %,2012年出口金額佔比卻已急速下降至34 %,因此,金屬成形設備產業並未因ECFA及中國十二五計畫雙重利多因素加持帶來正面之成長,反而於中國大陸區域逐漸失去競爭力,此為台灣金屬成形設備產業之警訊,設備製造廠應對於中國金屬成形設備產業現狀,應更進一步深入瞭解及認識,以利企業於中國的持續發展。
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2014年12月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)