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Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to develop a vision system for surface defect detection of 3D objects. It aims at the ill-defined qualitative items such as stains and scratches. A robot vision system for surface defect detection may counter challenges such as (1) high surface reflection at some viewing angles and (2) no reference markers in any sensed images for matching. A filtering process is used to separate the illumination and reflection components of an image. Tests were performed on a variety of hand-held electronic devices such as cellular phones. Experimental results show that the proposed system can reliably avoid reflection surfaces in different viewing angles. Traditional visual inspection systems mainly work for 2D planar surfaces such as PCBs and wafers. The results have practical applications for industrial objects with arbitrary surfaces under image misalignment for 3D objects. The proposed system can identify the viewing angles with minimum surface reflection.
Keywords:Machine vision, Defect detection, 3D surface
由於手攜式電子產品多為曲面或高反射性表面,其他如鋼珠表面亦具相同特性,此等目標物表面容易因有角度光源投射至表面反射而形成光影或陰影,如圖1所示。圖1 (a)為手機外殼光滑金屬表面反光情形,圖1 (b)則為車頭燈表面光影現象。當以視覺系統做自動化檢測時,瑕疵特徵反而受限於曲面角度、反光及對比度不足導致時常無法突顯,因此視覺辨識技術困難度極高,非一般平面靜態影像檢測系統可克服。加上面對未來少量且多變的3C產品線,產品皆為曲面高反光材質,在自動外觀瑕疵檢測上目前並無一個較佳的解決方案,因此本研究將著手開發此類型的三維物件曲面瑕疵檢測系統。
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2012年07月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)