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Abstract: A rule matrix decomposition method is proposed for generating marked graphs from decomposable conflict Petri nets. Usually the manufacturing devices of Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) are coordinated through conflict Petri nets, and for increasing reliability, the behaviors of conflict Petri nets are better under surveillance through real-time monitor rules if possible. Nowadays it exist many well-developed methods to design monitor rules from marked graphs directly. In contrast, no available design method is known with respect to conflict Petri nets. In the previous research, however, it is shown the possibility of decomposing a conflict Petri net into marked graphs. As a result, the rule matrix decomposition method is developed to achieve this decomposition request so that the monitor rules of FMS can be designed in a indirect way. Also some conflict Petri nets of FMS are demonstrated for showing the feasibility of this new design method.
Keywords:Flexible Manufacturing System, Conflict Petri Net, Marked Graph, Rule Matrix Decomposition, Method, Transition Tree
自動化製造系統的製造設備常透過裴氏圖(Petri Net)[5, 6]來協調[2]。為了提高製造系統的可靠度,工程師常設計偵查法則(Monitor Rules)[1, 3]來預防裴氏圖行為的異常。對重複性製造系統來說,此偵查法則的設計方法已發展的非常完善;但對彈性製造系統(Flexible Manufacturing System)[4]來說,其偵查法則的設計方法目前尚在研究中。因此如何有系統與有效率的開發出彈性製造系統的偵查法則就成為研究上的一大挑戰。
在重複性製造系統裡,其裴氏圖常用記號圖(Marked Graph)[1, 2]來描述。更詳細來說,記號圖與偵查法則的關係可以用擬陣理論(Matroid Theory)[2, 3, 7]來建構其數學模式。目前已開發出可表達擬陣(Representable Matroid)[1]、圖形擬陣(Graphic Matroid)[1]與全跨模(Strict Gammoid)[3]三種設計方法來。因此重複性製造系統的偵查法則已有非常系統性的設計方法。
對彈性製造系統來說,先前的研究顯示其裴氏圖常用選項裴氏圖(Conflict Petri net)[4]來描述,而選項裴氏圖常可依執行的時段而分解出記號圖[4]。在此情況下,上述的可表達擬陣 [1]、圖形擬陣[1]與全跨模[3]等設計方法就可用來設計彈性製造系統的偵查法則。這理念可用圖一來表達,但設計出來的偵查法則會具有因時而異的行為。相較於靜態與動態的記號圖特性,重複性製造系統的設計結果稱為靜態的偵查法則,而彈性製造系統的設計結果稱為動態的偵查法則。
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2011年08月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)