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摘要:本研究主要目的乃利用嵌入式系統(Embedded System)硬體平台進行工具機自主技術開發的測試與驗證,藉由此嵌入式系統、「內藏式阿貝誤差補償系統」與「CNC控制器」等整合之綜效,達到產出工具機控制器與嵌入式開發平台之整合驗證。在本研究中,將以目前日趨成熟的嵌入式系統平台結合上述兩項研究成果與技術進行:(1)嵌入式技術導入CNC控制器與後端管理規劃;(2)嵌入式阿貝補償器與工具機平台進行驗證測試等之研究。同時經由本計畫的研究施作,亦將可獲得後端監控管理平台之初步規劃與雛形驗證。本計畫之具體完成目標計有:(1)整合測試環境建立、(2)嵌入式阿貝補償器測試與驗證、與(3)完成普及型高精度控制器整合驗證測試。
Abstract: This project aims to utilize Embedded System hardware platform for conducting test and verification developed by machine tool automation, through the integral performance of other projects including “Internal Abbe Erros Compensation Unit: Encoder design and implementation, micro machine tool design and research, Controller platform development and research and machine tool trajectory accuracy enhancement,” to achieve a result of integral verification report of machine tool controller and embedded developing platform. This project will conduct researches of embedded technique implemented in CNC controller and combining Soc platform of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) via existing mature embedded system platform and other research results and techniques. Moreover, this project’s research and implementation will acquire conceptual design and model verification of back-end control and management platform. Finally, the goals of this project are establishment of integration testing environment, integration testing and related tasks of outsource enterprise and related tasks of integration testing of new generation controller.
Keywords:Embedded System, Soc Platform, Abbe' Error Compensation
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2012年04月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)
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