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Abstract: There has been tremendous progress in the technology and market of green building materials surface coating and treatment in recently years, which thanks to the ideas of energy saving and environmental protection are prevailing. Atmospheric pressure plasma can be operated under atmospheric environment and in no need of expensive vacuum systems, thus, the energy consumption can be greatly reduced. Atmospheric pressure plasma technology is a great fit in oxide material surface coating, surface treatment of surface self-clean, anti-bacteria, and anti-fouling. In this paper, the applications of atmospheric pressure plasma in green building materials will be introduced; also the advantage of atmospheric pressure plasma system compared to conventional surface thin film coating system will be analyzed. Current status and future prospect of atmospheric plasma surface coating technology of mechanical and system research lab at Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) are also included in this paper.
Keywords:Atmospheric pressure plasma, Surface coating, Surface treatment, Green building materials, Energy saving windows, Isothermal windows
所謂的電漿,一般被稱為物質的第四態,基本上含有正離子、負離子、電子、高反應性的自由基和中性粒子。而現實生活中若欲產生電漿,必須要將氣體分子置入電場中,一般於真空的環境下,電子的質量較小且平均自由徑(Mean free path)較正離子大很多,透過電場所給予的能量,電子被急劇加速而累積至極高能量(數個至數十個電子伏特,eV);一般來說具高能量之電子與原子或分子碰撞,由於電子的能量傳遞與累積,分子內的鍵結將會被打斷而形成高反應性的自由基(Reactive free radical),除此之外原子與分子也透過相同的機制產生解離(Ionization)。
若以微觀的行為來觀察,當電子在電場中加速時將獲得極高的動能,而加速過程中若碰撞到氣體分子或原子時傳遞能量,因為電子遠較氣體分子或原子小,所以碰撞造成的結果並非是增加氣體的動能,而是提高其位能。從原子的角度來看,位能的提高將造成原子內電子的遷移,如果達到足夠的能量甚至會跳離原子,產生一顆離子和一顆電子;由於初始電子受到電場加速且提供能量給原子,當所給的位能足夠將原子內的電子遷移,此時就產生了兩個電子,隨著相同的過程,產生的兩顆電子再經電場加速到足夠的動能進行下一次的解離,於是由一顆電子產生兩顆,兩顆到四顆,如此以等比級數增加,最後造成全面性的解離崩潰而產生穩定的電漿。一般而言,電漿系統中的電子溫度受到電場加速獲得很大的能量,其能量可高達幾萬或幾十萬℃,而其他分子或粒子的溫度則維持於室溫左右。由於高能量電子對各種分子鍵結的破壞效率極高,使得一般在1000 ℃以上才有機會發生的氣相反應,在略高於室溫下即可進行。
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