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作者 S. Doruk Merdol, MASc, PhD羅佐良


摘要:在現今競爭激烈的市場上,加工面臨了低價但高品質之挑戰,尤其是在中小型產品加工市場上。如何不再做出設備投資而直接提高生產嫁動率為重要之研發策略。瞭解加工標的,認識自己所用之加工機,解析其耦合之切削力學關聯,可以做為科學計算最佳加工條件,成為提高加工效率計算之依據。本文作者為Dr. Merdol為英屬哥倫比亞大學機械博士,專長為切削解析與震動學。文中提供切削解析與切削條件優化之技術輪廓與案例。工研院機械所與Dr. Merdol目前進行多項技術交流與合作計畫,期望透過先進的分析技術提供加工製程優化的技術服務給精密加工與航太代工業者。

Abstract: In today's competitive market, manufacturers are facing demands to keep costs low, improve quality, and reduce turn-around time. Companies, especially small-to medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs), seek ways of increasing capacity without the financial burden of additional capital expenditure. Lean manufacturing offers companies cost-effective solutions that promote efficiency and help them remain competitive among global component manufacturers.


Keywords:Tool Paths, Machining Simulation, Optimization

CAM systems are the cornerstone of component manufacturing. They vastly reduce engineering time by automating tool path generation. Tool paths play a big role in a machine's performance because they contain feeds and speeds that directly influence productivity. A poorly generated tool path can easily slow down the entire production even it is run on the most sophisticated machine tool. Although CAM systems offer a wide variety of tool path strategies, they still remain heavily dependent on their user's (i.e. NC programmer's) judgement and experience.

The problem is that CAM systems are unable to make a calculated judgement about the process efficiency or security and therefore uncritically accept cutting conditions given by NC programmers. NC programmers - feeling the pressure to deliver parts faster - prefer using conventional parameters based on their accumulated experience gained through trial and error type testing over a period of years. Unfortunately, this "one size fits all" approach frequently results in overly conservative tool paths under-utilizing the equipment and tooling.

With a digital tool called MACHpro Virtual Machining, it is now possible to remove such inefficiencies within machining processes. Developed at the world-renown machining research center, Manufacturing Automation Laboratory at the University of British Columbia, MACHpro has the capability to analyze real-world performance of tool paths prior to production regardless of the CAM system used to generate them in the first place. Using this predictive tool, actual metal cutting processes are emulated with sufficient accuracy to achieve a true "virtual machining" system that considers torque, power, vibration, tool stiffness, and geometry and workpiece material properties.

This deep understanding of the metal cutting physics allows engineers to detect machining mishaps such as spindle overload, excessive tool deflection, premature tool wear and chipping early in the planning stage. In addition, machine and cutting tool utilizations can be mapped out to detect unproductive tool path sections, which are then automatically optimized and replaced with the most productive feeds. Feed optimization of tool paths is not a new concept. Some CAM packages already offer volume based feed optimization tools which; however, do not consider the machining physics and therefore cannot predict force, torque and vibration causing them to either overstress or under-utilize the machine or cutting tool.

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