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作者 陳書皓、梁高榮
Abstract: A five-layer architecture consisting of design, synthesis, interpretation, document, and object layers is proposed for solving the Eulerian Marked Graph (EMG) to ladder diagram transformation problem. Several prototype EMGs are designed using hierarchy transformation method at the design layer. Then all the EMGs are combined together to form a Token-Conserved Petri Net (TCPN) at the synthesis layer. Therefore more EMGs and an additional Synchronized Petri Net (SPN) are generated from the TCPN using temporal decomposition method at the interpretation layer. For offering a better performance in the flexible manufacturing environment, the pivoting role of SPN is to select the best EMG inside the TCPN to control devices. The document and object layers for generating ladder diagrams is basically the same with the lower layers in the traditional three-layer architecture. The major advantage of this extra-layer approach is to offer more choices of EMGs than the old architecture.
Keywords:Five-layer Architecture, Eulerian Marked Graph, Token-Conserved Petri Net, Synchronized Petri Net, Interpreted Petri Net, Ladder Diagram
對自動化工廠的設計來說,歐氏記號圖(Eulerian Marked Graph, EMG)技術常用於重覆性製造系統[1, 2, 9, 10]上,而浮標守恆裴氏圖(Token-Conserved Petri Net, TCPN)技術常用於彈性製造系統[3, 4]上。對自動化工廠的實作來說,可程式邏輯控制器(Programmable Logic Controller, PLC)的階梯圖(Ladder Diagram)[5]是最常用的控制工具。為了連接設計與實作,三層式架構[2, 7]常用來將歐氏記號圖轉換成為階梯圖。本文則將三層式架構推廣至五層式架構(Five-layer Architecture),而五層式架構可將浮標守恆裴氏圖轉換成為階梯圖。
為了說明如何產生彈性製造系統的階梯圖,底下將以自動灌模系統為例[9]來解釋含設計-合成-詮釋-文件-物件的五層式架構。其次說明設計層與合成層,這是用階層轉換法(Hierarchy Transformation Method)[9]設計出多張歐氏記號圖後,再用圖形合成法(Graphic Synthesis Method)[6]將歐氏記號圖合成為浮標守恆裴氏圖。在詮釋層中,這可分成分解與同步兩步驟來說明。就分解步驟來說,這是透過時域分解法(Temporal Decomposition Method)[3]將浮標守恆裴氏圖分解出更多張的歐氏記號圖;就同步步驟來說,這是透過同步裴氏圖(Synchronized Petri Net)[8]來詮釋每張歐氏記號圖。浮標守恆裴氏圖與同步裴氏圖又合稱為詮釋裴氏圖(Interpreted Petri Net)[8]。詮釋裴氏圖可透過文件-物件-文件層再回到圖件層來產生階梯圖。這時每張歐氏記號圖則會分別產生對應的階梯圖,而同步裴氏圖會產生同步階梯圖(Synchronized Ladder Diagram)來連結各階梯圖。最後則是結論。
傳統的三層式架構是由圖件層(Graphics Layer)、文件層(Document Layer)與物件層(Object Layer)三者組成[7]。三層式架構具有將歐氏記號圖轉成階梯圖的功能[2],而歐氏記號圖常用來控制重覆性製造系統。這裡的五層式架構是建立在三層式架構的基礎上,特別是將圖件層的輸入細分為設計層、合成層與詮釋層,如圖1所示。
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2013年06月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)