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Abstract: In computer numerical control (CNC) systems, linear segment (G01) is frequently used to describe the tool path. Conventional interpolation method plans the acceleration / deceleration feedrate profile on the tool path, and then the tangential feedrate profile is distributed onto the x-axis and y-axis. However, velocity difference could occur in each axis and the corner command error is hard to calculate. This is closely related to the maximum acceleration, velocity difference, and the after interpolation time. Hence the corner command error will be different when different orientations of linear segments connect with each other.
At the junction point between two linear segments, a new path can be generated through the corner rounding method to replace the original linear path. First, the user can set an expected tolerance. Then curve fitting is performed so that the maximum contour error is the same with the expected tolerance. This means that no matter how the tool path changes, the maximum contour error in the corner will be limited. The fitted curve can have tangential and curvature continuity. After generating a new tool path, the process of interpolation is introduced to plan the feedrate accordingly. The validation shows that the feedrate profile could be planned smoothly without the aid of after interpolation design which could reduce the command error effects.
關鍵詞:B-spline曲線, 轉角擬合, 曲率連續
Keywords:B-spline, Corner rounding, Curvature continuity
1.1 研究動機
CNC控制器中標準加工流程為NC-code讀入後,會經解譯器(Interpreter) 將操作人員熟悉的NC-code轉換成控制器的格式,然後進插補器(Interpolator) 規劃加減速並產生各軸命令,最後把各軸的命令點以伺服控制的方式,讓工具機照CAM產生的路徑進行加工,如圖1所示,其中插補器在工具機數控系統中佔有十分重要的角色,傳統的插補方法有前插補(Before Interpolation)與後插補(After Interpolation)兩個部分。
1.1.1 前插補
顧名思義,前插補是將路徑切線速度分配到各軸前,就先做加減速規劃,然而兩個線段存有角度差的緣故,在切線方向規劃好的速度當分配到各軸時,會有速差的情形發生,以圖2中兩段G01直線相接的加工路徑為例。從圖3可見到對N1和N2兩個block以最大切線速率F=500 mm/min進行速度規劃,但將速度分配到X、Y軸時,因切線方向不同,會在線段銜接處產生速差,且速差的大小會受到角度的不同而影響。
1.1.2 後插補
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