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摘要:因應機器人發展需求,減速機用微齒輪對於疲勞強度的要求越來越高。因此本研究針對模數0.12、齒數7、高度1.5 mm及AISI 1015材質的正齒輪零件,開發密閉鍛壓成形模具設計分析技術。為求材料塑性應變均勻,設計可雙向驅動沖頭及密閉鍛壓的模具機構,並藉CAE軟體–DEFORM來分析不同鍛胚形狀影響鍛壓成形負荷及材料流動變化的影響。
研究結果顯示三種不同形狀鍛胚以密閉雙向鍛壓模具結構進行成形分析,皆無鍛壓夾料缺陷。其中實心型鍛胚雖然容易車削加工,但成形負荷最高(683 kg);而中空型鍛胚成形負荷最小(548 kg),但因內孔徑比太大,車削加工困難度較高;反觀中孔型鍛胚成形負荷在兩者之間(585 kg),車削加工也能輕易達成。可作為業界開發微齒輪的設計參考。
Abstract: With rapid development and numerous demands of robot technology, micro spur gears used in reducers require higher and higher strengths. This study develops a design and analysis technique for closed forging die on the micro spur gear with a modulus of 0.12, seven teeth, and a thickness of 1.5 mm made of AISI 1015. For uniform material strain, the die is designed for bidirectional driving and closed forging. The CAE software simulation tool DEFORM is adopted to analyze the influence on forging load and material flow with different billet shapes.
The results show that there are no lapping defects with the three different proposed billet shapes. The solid billet is easy to turn but the forging load is also the highest (683 kg). On the other hand, the hollow billet is hard to turn due to the large inner diameter but the forging load is low (548 kg). Therefore, the hole-typed billet is a good compromise that is easy to turn and has a forging load of 585 kg.
Keywords:Micro Spur Gear, Closed Forging, Deform Analysis
產品對輕薄化要求不曾停止,從行動裝置、可攜式產品到近來出現的超可攜式裝置(Ultra Mobile)產品一詞,意旨必須符合行動無負擔的特性(Ultra Light and Slim),例如近期熱賣的平板電腦、智慧型手機與輕薄筆記型電腦等等。可預見的是此一輕薄趨勢已然吹向所有可攜式行動裝置,形成新的產業版圖,掀起“Ultra Mobile”風潮。
在“Ultra Mobile”的趨勢下,產品每 0.01 mm的空間都是競爭力的關鍵,因應產品薄化需求,內部機構將設計得相對緊密,因此現有設計方案的零組件與內部機構,都必須被重新檢視、改善,才能達成產品不斷精進的要求。如何在更小的空間內塞入大量的電子零組件,而不能犧牲產品該有的效能,考驗著微型零組件設計與製造技術。而最直接有效率的方法便是縮小金屬零件的體積,以達到減輕重量與薄化產品厚度的目標。
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