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- 機械工業雜誌
- 歷史雜誌
作者 黃雅琪、江緻惟
Abstract:As the global demand for energy consumption reduction grows, addressing the efficiency of electric motors became a critical research topic needs to be tackled. Energy-efficient motor is expected in motor industry. Implementation of MEPS in electric motors is the main factor that affects the electric motor market.
Governments implemented Minimum Energy Performance Standard to regulate the efficiency of electric motor in domestic market. Recently, the standard became stricter by raising the efficiency grades and expanding the scope and type. Electric motor market is driven by demand for efficient drives. Energy-efficient motor market is estimated to reach 88.2 billion dollars in 2020. The leading companies have developed permanent and reluctance motor to exceed international standard and declare its technological capabilities. In addition, in response to the development of Industry 4.0, the global smart motors market is expected to grow as well.
Keywords:Minimum Energy Performance Standard, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, Synchronous Reluctance Motor
馬達為日常生活中最主要動力來源,因此耗能相當可觀,佔全球終端應用總耗能46.2%。有鑑於此,各國政府紛紛針對馬達展開各式能效管理措施,包含強制性的最低能源效率標準(minimum energy performance standard, MEPS)管制、提供高效率馬達購買補貼,以及工廠能源查核加速舊馬達汰換等。在各國節能政策帶領下,驅動馬達產業鏈投入新技術發展,主要開發方向包含不同材料的永磁馬達、磁阻馬達,以及變頻器採用SiC材料等方向,為發展歷史悠久的馬達產業帶來新動能。下文透過分析全球馬達MEPS管制政策發展、市場規模,以及廠商技術佈局動態,一窺全球高效率馬達產業發展趨勢。
自1997年京都議定書通過後,簽署國為了落實減碳目標,陸續推動能源效率標準法規及節能減碳推動政策。其中,由於馬達為應用範疇最廣且最具節能效益之單一元件,故單體馬達成為實施能源效率管制的首要產品項目。國際電工委員會(International Electro Technical Commission, IEC)為避免各國針對馬達效率標準不同的貿易障礙,著手整合各國馬達效率標準,2008年公告國際效率標準IEC60034-30,由低至高分為標準效率(standard efficiency, IE1)、優級效率(high efficiency, IE2)、超高效率(premium efficiency, IE3)三個等級,並在2014年3月公告新版定速馬達效率標準IEC 60034-30-1,正式將IE4 (super premium efficiency,超優級效率)納入效率標準分級中,並也開始討論IE5 (ultra premium,特超高優級效率)效率標準制定。IEC馬達效率標準目前已成為國際共通標準,大多數國家標準都可與之相對照。國際馬達能效分級對照如圖1所示。
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2017年05月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)