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- 機械工業雜誌
- 歷史雜誌
作者 楊瑞雯
Abstract: The die and mold industry is a potential indicator of a nation’s prosperity. If the die and mold industry is well developed, it means that the nation has a sound and solid economic foundation. The die and mold industry in Taiwan is mostly comprised of middle and small-sized enterprises, which form clusters in northern, central and southern Taiwan and whose final application products are chiefly 3C electronics, electrical machines, semiconductors, automobiles and related components. Meanwhile, Taiwanese manufacturers have already possessed high quality and mature technology in terms of plastic mold and stamping die and play a leading role in the international market. The output value in Taiwan was 58.1 billion NTD in 2014, which had returned to the level before the financial crisis, while the import value was 4.95 billion NTD and the output value reached 20.96 billion NTD, which came to a new peak in the recent five years. The export proportion was 36.1%, with the apparent demand being 41.45 billion NTD and the ratio of dependence on import 11.7%.
The application of 3D are printing applications increasing in recent years, from consumer goods to aerospace parts, can be produced by a 3D printing considering advantages of 3D printing, including time-saving, respond quickly to market and flexible production. Therefore, many enterprises in Taiwan, especially small and medium mold enterprises, have evaluated whether 3D printing technology can be used for small production or for widely varying production. This study explored whether or not 3-D printing is a threat to the mold industry.
Keywords:Dies and Molds, 3D Printing, Dies Industry
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2015年12月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)
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