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- 歷史雜誌
摘要:投影機之市場隨4K超高解析度顯示器之推廣成功,逐漸覓得新的成長方向。其中方陣型透鏡陣列之開發,是雷射照明光源中關鍵元件之一。本研究為陣列微透鏡模具開發之研究,其尺寸為1111 mm、中心為採用雙面陣列微透鏡之結構6x6 mm,厚度為0.44 mm;對於光學品質而言,不只需要顧慮其殘留應力,也需要同時兼顧其成形後的翹曲量,才能確保其發光型是均勻完整的,因此模具的製作加工對位精度非常要求。
Abstract: Along with the successful promotion of 4K Ultra High Definition Display projectors, new directions for growth have been established. Double-sided micro-lens array is one of key components in laser light source. This study performed an optical quality analysis of a square double-sided micro-lens array. The size is 11×11 mm, the center of the micro-lens array structure is 6´6 mm and thickness is 0.44 mm. Optical quality depends not only on residual stress, but also on the warpage of the final product. Since both properties determine whether the light pattern is formal and complete, the accuracy of alignment between core and cavity is very important.
The study is that the molding parameters were adjusted by using mold-flow analysis to find the optimal optical quality of optimization. The analytical results indicated that the optical path difference can be significantly improved by increasing the injection speed; moreover, the photoelastic fringes could be lessened greatly in the same time. On the other hand, warpage could be decreased by increasing packing pressure and longer packing time. In summary, injection speed, packing pressure and packing time are the most important parameters in this study. The ratio of optical path difference and warpage was improved by 50%. The distribution of photoelastic fringe in array structure area was almost completely eliminated.
Keywords:Ultra-Precision Machining, Micro-Lens Array, Measurement
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2015年12月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)