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摘要:過高的藍或白光,威脅著人眼、生理健康、文物、生態系統與暗夜;然而,予人溫暖感受而無藍害的蠟燭,卻有耗能、燙傷、火災、閃爍、冒黑煙、耗氧、溫室氣體排放等問題;在使用多個燭光互補色發光體,我們得以應用OLED技術,發出模仿蠟燭的光來;從視網膜保護的角度而言,燭光OLED比冷白的CFL、LED和OLED至少安全90倍;從退黑激素自然分泌的角度來看,則又更好20倍;此外,已可看到每瓦90流明的功效,幾乎是白熾燈泡的9倍,蠟燭的900倍;待成功放大商業化後,此燭光OLED將可大量取代現有富含藍光的照明燈具以及蠟燭,並啟動照明復興(Lighting Renaissance);除了燭光OLED之外,本文亦將介紹:光科技史上最尷尬的一年、電力照明引發乳癌、對抗乳癌的對策、夜光對攝護腺的威脅、白光看書更易傷眼、醫學專家的建議等資訊。
Abstract: Intensive blue or white light imposes threat to human eyes, physiology, artifacts, ecosystem, and night skies, while the warm-sensation giving, blue-hazard free candle possesses problems such as energy-wasting, burning, fire hazard, carbon blacking, flickering, oxygen consumption, and greenhouse gas emission etc. With the employment of multiple candlelight complementary emitters, we are able to employ organic light emitting diode (OLED) to generate a light mimicking that of a candle. Compared to the cold-white counterparts of CFL, LED and OLED, candlelight OLED is at least 90 times safer from the prospective of retina protection and 20 times better from the prospective of melatonin secretion. In addition, a nearly 90 lm/W power efficacy is foreseeable, which is 9 times that of incandescent bulbs and 900 times that of candles. Upon successful scaling up for commercialization, this candlelight OLED may be used extensively to replace the current blue light-enriched lighting devices as well as the candles to trigger Lighting Renaissance. In additional to candlelight OLED, this article will also disclose information including the following: the most embarrassing year in light history; electric light triggered breast cancer and the strategy to fight breast cancer; luminous threat to the prostate; white light induce eye damage; and some suggestions from medical experts.
Keywords:Lighting Renaissance, Candlelight, Organic light-emitting diode
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