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Abstract: With the rapid growth of touch sensing devices, the habits of human beings, such as social communication, working methods and entertainment, have changed. Due to the explosive growth of the touch sensor market in recent years, manufacturers have been actively building up patent portfolio in this market. Among these manufacturers, manufacturers in the USA, Japan and Korea have built up the most complete patent portfolios. The Chinese manufacturers enter with a big jump in 2013, while the progress of building up the patent portfolio by Taiwanese manufacturers is relatively weak. Up to now, due to the saturation of the touch sensor market, the total number of the patent numbers in 2014 is lower than that in 2013. In addition, to meet the needs of thinner modules and cost reduction, single layer metal-mesh sensor and printing process development have become the mainstream for current production of touch sensors. In this paper, we will show the latest status of the patent portfolios built up by various manufacturers. In addition, the development and application trends of metal mesh technologies in touch panels will also be discussed.
Keywords:Metal Mesh, Touch Panel, Patent Analysis
隨著觸控技術應用日趨廣泛,生活中到處可見觸控面板(touch panel)之相關應用,如智慧型手機、平板電腦、便利商店內的多媒體事務機(ibon、FamiPort及Life-ET等)、自動櫃員機(ATM)、自動售票機、數位相機、車用全球衛星定位系統(GPS)、液晶電視(LCD TV)、醫療器材以及電動遊樂器等消費性電子資訊產品領域。其中在2007年蘋果(Apple)發表的iPhone、iPod及iPad等皆採用觸控面板以達到「直覺式的人機介面」,其技術內涵強調多點觸控(multi-touch)的輸入方式[1-3],也因此觸控面板的市場,在近幾年內快速成長。
目前市場上觸控面板的應用市場大致可分為智慧型手機、平板PC、筆記型PC、一體機(all-in-one, AIO) PC、智慧型手錶及車用模組等,如圖1所示,不管是那一個觸控市場,其中,智慧型手機以內嵌式的In-cell、On-cell及單片玻璃方案(one glass solution, OGS)等架構為未來的趨勢;平板電腦則以On-cell及OGS為主;筆記型電腦及AIO則集中在OGS的架構;智慧型手錶以On-cell為大宗;而車用模組目前仍以電阻式觸控為主,有別於上述的電容式觸控模組,主要原因是考慮到降低觸控的誤判率以加強行車中的安全性。
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