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摘要:近年來,政府大力推動智慧機械產業,智慧機械主要是以精密機械、自動化與資通訊科技為基礎,透過搭配雲端網路平台、工業物聯網、機器人、大數據等相關技術,希望讓臺灣「傳統機械產業」轉型為「智慧機械產業」,進而提升機械產業於國際競爭力。無論是人工智慧(AI)、工業4.0或智慧機械等願景,其中最主要的技術之一在於擷取產線運作時機械與感測器的資訊,並透過資通訊技術串聯至邊緣電腦,達到工廠管理(如:稼動率、機台警報等),亦可以利用設置資料庫管理系統進行資料存取,提供人工智慧分析與健康預診基礎。本文將以整合FANUC控制器並結合美國國家儀器公司(National Instruments)感測器擷取卡為案例進行說明,首先透過導入FANUC與National Instruments 函式庫,並搭配使用TCP/IP與USB通訊取得機台與感測器資訊,接著採用MariaDB SQL資料庫進行資料保存,最後利用Qt進行人機介面設計並導入慣量估測當成範例來驗證此智能化模組,期望透過此系統能達到建置智慧工廠的目標。
Abstract:Recently, Taiwanese government has strongly promoted the intelligent machinery. Intelligent machinery is based on the technology of precision machinery, automation, and IT. Technologies related to cloud, internet of things, robotics, big data are also included. It is expected to upgrade “traditional machinery” to “smart machine” so that the international competitiveness of the industry can be dramatically enhanced. No matter if it is from the view of artificial intelligence (AI), industry 4.0 or smart machinery, the key technology is to capture information from the machinery or sensors during the operation. Enhanced production management could only be achieved through edge computing based on obtained information. The obtained information can also be used for artificial intelligence analysis and machine health prediction. This article will illustrate the integration of the FANUC controller with the National Instruments data capture card. The machine and sensor information is obtained through importing FANUC and National Instruments library using TCP/IP and USB protocol. MariaDB SQL database is used to store the data. The human-machine interface is developed using Qt and the inertia estimation is implemented for verification.
Keywords:Intelligent machinery, CNC controller, National instruments, DataBase management system
而在國際上2014年DMG MORI展示的CELOS控制器如圖1,不僅導入了生產排程系統(PPS)及企業資源計畫系統(EPS),且結合了CAD/CAM的聯網應用,此舉讓工廠對於各機台的任務、流程與參數的管理,能有一個相當完善的解決方案。
圖1 CELOS控制器[1]
2016年國外知名控制器大廠FANUC與GPU大廠NVIDA跨界合作並共同開發( FANUC Intelligent Edge Link and Drive, FIELD)系統參考如圖2。該系統將在傳統的工具機與機器人控制器中導入AI人工智慧,使機器本身具備自主學習能力,並同時建立雲端與資料中心,藉以提升產線的生產效能以及物流管理能力。
圖2 FANUC FIFELD system[2]
圖3 設計概念流程圖
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2018年11月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)