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為了克服相關成型及產品品質問題,近年有許多廠商及研究單位爭相投入發展出成型可視化技術,即是將過程透明化,讓業者於實際生產之前,發現問題,進而及早解決問題,而日本雙葉電子股份有限公司更是當中之佼佼者,其所發展之Mold Marshalling System是可應用於射出成型專用的測量系統。透過模具內裝置的感測器對於一直被視為黑盒子的各種模內塑膠狀況運用電腦以及各種記錄器即時輸出,達到資訊數據化、不良品自動判別、最適化成型條件設定、品質管理及模具評價等等用途,使使用者可以對應利用,而本篇文章主要以日本雙葉電子所發展之Mold Marshalling System,結合實際案例的應用說明,介紹成型可視化技術,藉由觀測成型過程的各種流變行為,說明問題成因及對應解決對策。
Abstract: The first plastic injection molding machine was patented in the US more than 130 years ago. Plastic is light and durable, and injection molding can quickly produce many plastic products. For the above reasons, this technology has been used widely in human’s daily life. However, the process of injection molding highly depends on the mold. Quality of product is unknown before manufacturing process is done. Nobody knows whether the quality requirements are satisfied or not by the last minute. Recently, the CAE has been developed quickly to simulate the process of injection molding although the simulation result may differ from the actual result. Therefore, many factories and research organizations invest in the process visualization for improving product quality. This process is generally transparent so that manufacturing problems can be found in advance. Futaba is one of the best companies in the development of visualization process. Its Mold Marshalling System is developed as a measurement system and is applied to the injection molding machines, where manufacturing conditions are monitored by the sensors embedded in the mold. Much real-time information can be recorded and analyzed to identify defective products, to set optimal molding conditions, to perform quality management and mold evaluation, etc. This article focuses on the visualization technology of the Mold Marshalling System for injection molding, where various rheological behaviors and solutions in the molding process are discussed.
Keywords:Mold, Injection Molding, Visualization
Mold Marshalling System是一種應用於射出成型專用的模內狀況測量系統,主要透過模具內裝置特殊感測元件,可對於一直被視為黑盒子的塑膠模具,實際量測模內塑膠狀況,並運用電腦以及各種記錄器輸出,達到資訊數據化,做為不良品自動判別、最適化成型條件設定、品質管理及模具評價等等各種用途。除此之外,更可利用射出模具內測量系統多樣化的功能,以多元化的觀點來做成型條件評價,並靈活運用在各方面問題之解決。例如,若有壓力測量系統,可從射出到製品過成取出所有射出數據,並以壓力波形來做保存,使用者可隨時將它當成品質管理數據來運用,如製品不良時可進行原因解析,並且使用監視功能與外部機器接續,輸出作為信號可做不良品的挑選。另一方面,成型條件的設定,取決於技術者的技能,在設定上會花費較長的時間。若是壓力計測系統,能夠即時觀察到數值數據,品質呈現安定性,可在短時間內調整避免不良品發生之最適條件。
雙葉電子工業創立出初期是以收音機用真空管的製造為主,成立於1948年,秉持著「每一個零件絕對要自己公司製造」的信念,會發展Mold Marshalling System,主要由於產品製造需要大量沖壓及塑膠模具零件因而開發了相關產品,使產品可精益求精,持續提升製造能量。Mold Marshalling Mystem就是以模具零件的製造及販賣的智識加以活用以「寄望成型技術的提升」為目標方向所衍生出來的商品。
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