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- 機械工業雜誌
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Abstract:The term “Industry 4.0” refers to the integration of different technologies in industry along with the beginning of the era of Internet-of-Things (IoT). Industry 4.0 enables the concept of “smart factory”. Monitoring and automation of cyber-physical systems in the factory are critical. Therefore, factories data should be made transparent through the exchanges of internal knowledge sharing. The cloud system is an internet based computing system that provides shared integrated devices resources and production data to computers and other devices on demand. It can be used to control work efficiency, machine, and material in real-time and achieve automatic control through big data analysis and intelligent devices. However, due to the diversity of automation protocols, the integration between machine and cloud system is difficult. ITRI has developed an EtherCAT Motion Control Platform (EMP) which is based on real-time Ethernet. Unlike traditional motion control system, user can use EMP to connect with EtherCAT slave which includes servo drive, I/O, etc. The EMP can achieve multiple axes motion control via standard network card.
This paper discusses the implementation of EMP. Cloud monitoring application based on EMP for mobile devices is introduced.
Keywords:EtherCAT Motion control Platform, EMP、Wireless Technology, Mobile Control Platform, MCP
Android平台之智慧型手機或平板市佔率高於其他行動平台,如應用在工業領域將可大大提升工業生產效率。故本文提出應用Android平台之智慧行動裝置[2, 3],輔以Google所提供Protocol Buffers作傳輸封包,讓使用者透過智慧行動裝置能在工廠內任一地點達成一對一機台監控。而使用者也可透過智慧行動裝置與機台Socket Server建立連接通道,經由該通道進行資料傳輸並取得機台資訊,並利用機台教導功能使用其自行定義之運動控制模組進行機台操作,達到最佳的加工效率。
為了實現廠區內EMP機台之行動化運動控制功能,本文將介紹三個主要系統架構,包含WiFi連網連線機制建置與加密機制、EMP行動化運動控制伺服器開發(mobile control platform server, MCP Server)與實作MCP自訂封包。最後,系統實作提供使用者透過智慧平板裝置對EMP機台遠端監控,進行運動控制教導與即時機台資訊派送服務。
1. 連網環境建置
在連線設定上,將使用路由器的動態主機設定協定(dynamic host configuration protocol, DHCP)功能,提供廠區內區域網路的連線。在EMP的連線設定方面,將透過伺服器網卡的MAC位置,由路由器之DHCP Server指定其靜態IP並進行綁定。
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