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- 機械工業雜誌
- 當期雜誌
作者 藍亦維、羅仕明
摘要:本文主要針對工研院應用在電動自行車的超薄型馬達進行設計分析,藉由研製、測試驗證馬達特性。工研院採用軸向磁通馬達設計以達到馬達超薄化,並透過解決機構上如結構強度與磁鐵吸力等問題,完成厚度僅37.6 mm輕量化直驅馬達,使電動自行車馬達相較傳統更輕薄。本文先比較軸向與徑向磁通馬達的特性差異,以BionX馬達作為標竿分析,定義設計規格。在馬達設計的過程中,進行電磁設計分析及解決軸向磁通馬達在機構上的問題,最終研製雛型並進行測試驗證。
Abstract: This paper presents an e-bike slim motor designed and analyzed by ITRI. The performance of the slim motor is tested and verified. To minimize the thickness of the motor, axial-flux motor design is chosen. The mechanism problem like structure stiffness and magnet force has been carefully analyzed. A 37.6 mm thickness lightweight slim motor has been developed and tested. It demonstrates that the design by ITRI can be thinner and lighter than traditional radius-flux e-bike motor. In this paper, firstly, the difference between radius flux motor and axial flux motor are discussed. Secondly, the specifications of an ITRI slim motor are defined after benchmarking a BionX e-bike motor. At the end of the paper, the ITRI e-bike motor designed according to the specifications is manufactured and verified accordingly.
Keywords:E-bike, Pdelec, Axial flux motor
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2012年11月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)
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