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The global manufacturing industry faced significant challenges in 2022 and 2023 due to geopolitical tensions between the U.S. and China, disruptions in supply chains caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the energy crisis triggered by the Russia-Ukraine war. These issues have notably impacted Taiwan's machine tool industry. This article explores how intelligent and digital upgrades, specifically through the customization of high-end specialized machines, can bolster Taiwan's machine tool development capabilities. Key technologies discussed include the design and optimization of feed drive systems, lightweight structural design, and the integration of servo control with structural response. This article delves into the optimization of feed drive systems, focusing on the efficient specification and matching of components such as screws, motors, and bearings to meet transmission requirements within a cost-effective framework. In lightweight structural design, the use of topology optimization and advanced composite materials is examined to minimize energy consumption, aligning with the goal of creating environmentally-friendly (green) machine tools. Furthermore, the integration of servo control with structural response is analyzed through comprehensive electromechanical system integration, addressing the precise machining quality needs of customers. These advancements are essential for sustaining Taiwan's competitiveness in the global market and promoting long-term industry growth. By leveraging intelligent and digital upgrades, Taiwan’s machine tool industry can enhance its development capabilities and remain resilient amidst global challenges. This article underscores the significance of these upgrades in meeting customer demands and supporting sustainable industry development.
工具機是製造業在生產過程中不可或缺的設備,主功能包含車、銑、磨、搪、削、與切斷…等,因其為製造各種機器設備的加工機器,有「機械之母」之稱,也被稱為「工作母機」;全球製造業在2022年與2023年受到美中兩強相互競爭的地緣政治問題、疫情造成的供應鏈混亂以及俄烏戰爭引發的能源危機…等事件,使其面臨極大的挑戰,同時也大幅影響到臺灣的工具機產業發展,根據機械公會(TAMI)整理今年元月海關統計機械業出口統計數據顯示,工具機出口值為1.94億美元,較上年同期減少18.2 %,其中銷往土耳其的機種出口值因受到國際出口俄羅斯禁令的影響,僅餘0.18億美元、年減34.4 %;此波經濟影響亦反應在國際工具機主要生產國的出口表現,依日本工具機工業會(JMTBA)最新公布統計,同期日本工具機訂單金額約1,109億日圓,較去年同月減少14.1 %。
由於美、中兩國的地緣政治分歧,促使全球製造業者在亞洲尋找中國以外的新生產基地,進而促成Altasia(alternative Asian supply chain,亞洲替代供應鏈)的形成;臺灣工具機產業除了希望透過Altasia供應鏈的重組帶來全新的機會外,積極發展智慧製造技術與數位轉型也是工具機產業未來的發展主力,在面對勞動力緊縮、成本控制與國際碳費徵收的趨勢背景下,技術創新及研發升級是關鍵,臺灣的工具機製造廠商需要持續投入研發,以開發出更具競爭力和高附加價值的產品,特別是在高階專用機應用市場的布局,藉以提升產品應用的附加價值。
圖1 螺桿進給傳動系統示意
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