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- 當期雜誌
作者 張敏雄
Abstract: Additive manufacturing (AM) technology has emerged in the United States by 1982. In the 30 years of development, lots of innovations concerning new materials, new manufacturing processes as well as new equipment have constantly been developed. From the initial fast prototyping of low strength plastic models, the technology has now evolved to direct manufacturing of high strength and hardness of metal-based or ceramic-based components. The achievement is incredible in terms of both product varieties and production value for AM. However, international standards for AM are still quite rare. Fortunately, the International Standards Organization (ISO) and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) have signed a cooperation agreement to develop mutually recognized standards. This paper presents a review to discuss mechanical strength and testing standards for AM products from those already published ISO and ASTM standards.
Keywords:Additive Manufacturing, Mechanical Strength, ISO/ASTM Standard
美國材料試驗協會(American Society for Testing and Materials,ASTM)於2012年3月1日核准,同月出版之ASTM F2792-12a Standard Terminology for Additive Manufacturing Technologies標準[1],定義積層製造(additive manufacturing,AM)是依據3D模型數據,一層一層疊加方式,將材料結合製成物件的製程,有別於傳統類似「刻圖章」削切的減法製造方式。
積層製造之作業順序為先設計好3D CAD圖檔,再轉存為STL檔,經切層軟體切出一層一層大量的2D輪廓切層,同時規劃出每一切層之工具加工路徑,藉由3D列印機製成3D物件。詳如圖1所示[2]。
ASTM F2792-12a標準亦將積層製造之製程分為黏著劑噴塗成型(binder jetting)、指向性能量沉積(directed energy deposition)、材料擠製成型(material extrusion)、材料噴塗成型(material jetting)、粉末熔融成型(powder bed fusion)、疊層製造成型(sheet lamination)、光聚合固化(vat photopolymerization)等七類。示意圖如圖2所示[3]。
積層製造使用的材料有石臘(wax)、聚合物(polymers)、液態光敏聚合物(liquid photopolymer)、塑膠(plastic)、金屬 (metals)、陶瓷(ceramics)、紙(paper)與先進材料等,材料型態有液體、粉末(powder)、絲、板材等。因應各種產業不同的需求,積層製造產品從早期低強度的模型打樣、文創產品,一直發展到可直接使用之高強度及高硬度之功能零件等,新設計、新材料、新製程及新設備不斷地被研發出來。目前積層製造已廣泛應用在很多領域,如:模具、醫材、文創、航太、汽車、電腦、通訊及消費性電子等產品,種類繁多。如圖3及圖4所示[3]。
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