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Abstract: The project for the propulsion, energy management and control and vehicle performance testing platform of electric vehicles is carried out by Mechanical and Systems Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute. Based on the van from Taiwan car maker, the propulsion system with 50 kW developed with motor and battery industry is installed on this testing platform. The concerns for modifying from engine vehicles to electric vehicles are described in this article, such as propulsion, cooling, battery and so on. Not only the design key points and specifications of subsystems but also the vehicle performance testing items and results are introduced. The readers can understand the design and verification of EV testing platform from ITRI.
Keywords:E van, Battery pack, Motor, VCU
電動車相關的技術、產業與法規已逐漸成熟,Nissan Leaf、Mitsubishi iMEV以及GM Volt已投入市場,台灣廠商也陸續發表電動車,目前台灣的電動車都以傳統引擎車底盤研修而來,有效利用原車底盤的限制做最佳化的整合設計相當重要。工研院機械所執行電動車動力及電能管理控制發展與實驗車平台整合計畫,以台灣車廠之箱型車為實驗平台開發,50kW等級電動動力系統,和傳統內燃機車輛相比,電動車去除了內燃機及其相關的進/排氣系統與燃油供應系統,取而代之的是電動馬達/控制器、動力電池、車輛輔機、充電系統。對於車輛底盤的配置設計有以下重點:
- 高電壓/大電力系統以及衍生安全防護
- 車輛各電動化的輔助機能附件設計
- 動力電池以及安全防護
- 整車重量及質心位置變化對車輛行駛及煞車特性的影響評估
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