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因此本研究的阿貝誤差補償系統將結合現有NC控制器的單感測系統以及自製的多角度感測器組成多感測回饋補償系統(Multi-sensor feed-back compensation system),即時量測運動平台之偏角誤差與阿貝偏位量,從而可動態補償工具機的阿貝誤差。本研究以立式三軸工具機為對象,依此結構配置、位置回授方式(光學尺)、阿貝誤差,推導體積誤差公式,針對PC-based控制器發展阿貝誤差補償器,透過原點漂移的方式補償阿貝誤差。本系統可建立於PC-based控制器內,使得數控工具機具有內藏式阿貝誤差補償系統的功能。
Abstract: The position feedback controls of current NC machine tool controllers all adopt displacement sensor (optical scale or encoder) as a single sensor system. This displacement sensor is, however, never in line with the motion axis of the cutter. It is known that each axis motion has inherent six degrees of geometrical errors, namely three linear and three angular errors, among which the angular errors will be enlarged to cause the positioning error of the axis motion due to the well known Abbé principle.
In the measurement system, the micro autocollimator is developed for the detection of pitch and yaw angular errors. Moreover, a sensor that can measure roll angular error is developed by the use of laser source, optical components and two quadrant detectors. Finally, the micro autocollimator and the roll sensor are integrated into a three-angle measurement system, which can simultaneously measure pitch, yaw, and roll angular errors.
This research aims at the development of three angular sensors and in corporation with the current NC control to develop an Abbé error compensation system, being an innovative multi-sensor feed-back compensation system. This system allows the machine tool to detect the angular errors of each axis in real-time and the corresponding Abbé offsets so as to dynamically compensate for the Abbé error. Based on the 3-axis vertical machining center and position feedback type (light scale), the volumetric error for Abbé error is derived. In addition, the Abbé compensator for PC-based controller is also developed. This developed Abbé error compensation system is to be built in the NC controller to enhance the machine tool accuracy.
Experiments show that the positioning error of an investigated NC machine tool is mainly affected by Abbé error. With the proposed Abbé error compensation system, the positioning accuracy can be significantly improved to more than 80%.
Keywords:NC machine tool, Abbé error, Compensation system, Three-angle sensor
數控工具機是利用裝置於各移動軸的位移感測器(光學尺或編碼器)即時回授動態位置至控制器以控制加工路徑的位移與速度,達到精密加工的功能。但是由於結構設計的限制,位移感測器所代表的量測軸線永遠無法和工具機切削刀具在加工空間的運動軸線同軸。而各軸移動時具有基本的六自由度誤差(3個線性,3個角度),又稱為工具機的幾何誤差(Geometric errors)。此誤差量造成實際切削點位置和位移感測器所顯示的位置值不同,由角度誤差所造成的偏位即所謂的阿貝誤差(Abbé Error)。而一台三軸工具機共有21項幾何誤差,組合各誤差分量在加工體積中則產生空間體積誤差(Volumetric error),其中偏角誤差更會因阿貝原理而放大,是定位誤差來源中主要的成因。
因此工具機常溫時的動態空間體積誤差主要是由阿貝誤差所造成,然而現有工具機的各移動軸都沒裝置角度誤差感測器,故無法於動態運動中補償阿貝誤差。圖1為目前工具機位置回授方式,因為工具機無法避免阿貝誤差,利用位移感測點(X’, Y’, Z’)來回饋加工點(X, Y, Z)指令是不準確的,必須利用加工點來回饋加工點指令。
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