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Abstract: Today's precision machinery will toward the high adaptability, high-speed,high reliability and other new technologies into the development of manufacturing system toward high stability and a systematic, which can be constructed by the wisdom of automatic sensing technology. In the automated production process, equipment often needs to adjust the production parameters for different process. Normal operation and quality of output stability frequently converts the process from time to time to maintain the equipment manufacturers that face the era of meager profit at any time. Therefore, with low changeover time, real-time automatic detection and performance monitoring capabilities of high-quality automated production systems, which can effectively improve the assembly of manpower gap.
Keywords:Embedded force sensing, Multi-sensor signal fusion, Artificial intelligent
工業機器人為自動控制、可程式化的多功能自動操作裝置,必須是三軸或三軸以上,能夠固定在某個特定位置或自行移動。根據國際機器人協會(International Federation of Robotics; IFR)的統計:2010年全球工業機器人銷售數量為118,337台,較2009年的60,018台成長97 %,此乃因全球性經濟衰退的谷底回升,往後每年約有7 %~22 %的成長率,預估2014年全球工業機器人銷售量將可達到165,909台,主要成長地區為北美、中國大陸與其他東南亞國家 [1]。
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2013年05月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)