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作者 林正軒張朝信汪智強陳譽元彭文陽


摘要:永磁直流無刷薄型馬達可嵌入於高轉速流機,除了簡化軸承與端蓋等優點,甚至降低系統轉動慣量,降低加減速電流,實現高效直驅的節能效果。現有市面流通的無感測驅控IC能提供的額定電流規格多在1 A以內,且可匹配之電氣頻率偏低限制了與高轉速流機之多極薄型馬達結合的應用性。鼓風機的薄化、節能、智慧化是現有清潔機器人之智慧吸塵模組的重要技術趨勢,本研究開發兩款不同構形之多極薄型馬達,包括其磁路分析模擬與特性預估,實體雛形分別與智慧吸塵器高轉速鼓風機嵌入結合測試,馬達整體尺寸在直徑52 mm及高度10 mm以下,搭配無感測器設計架構,簡化馬達零件與組裝工序,以智慧化模糊邏輯控制驅控技術,改善高轉速之下的能耗,並縮短整定時間,使得依照灰塵量大小即時調整轉速變得可能。實際驗證發現,徑向磁通薄型馬達設計在空載測試時,12 V與0.32 A電流可達額定14,000 rpm;與離心Blower模組直接負載測試時,平均電流在2.3 A以內,驗證其無感測驅控法在高轉速(14,000 rpm)應用下換相時機與電流控制強健性,對於依賴充電電池驅動的智慧吸塵器,與原有直流有刷馬達驅動鼓風機方案比較(電流>4.5 A),平均耗電量下降達50%,可有效降低回站充電頻率。此外,對照組之軸向磁通薄型馬達因為採取無鐵芯設計,氣隙較大,整體馬達效率表現不如有鐵芯的徑向磁通設計,但是其較低的頓矩(cogging)可以獲得較平順的加速曲線,且線圈發熱可直接均勻傳遞至電路底板外,未來結合低鐵損SMC鐵芯,較易實現中空軸設計,仍具薄化嵌入應用之可能性。

Abstract: The slim brushless DC motor could be embedded inside the high speed fluidic machinery to simplify the bearing or housing design. Besides, the total rotor inertial is decreased to eliminate the surge current demand during the acceleration command. The currently existing integrated sensorless driver IC usually limits the current output of 1A. Besides, the microprocessor bandwidth could not cope with the higher electric frequency of the multi-pole motor for the high speed fluidic machinery. The compactness of the blower, power-efficiency and intelligence are the main product genes of the new smart vacuum cleaner. This study investigates the feasibility of two type multi-pole slim motors for embedding application of the high speed blower in the robot cleaner. The magnetic analysis and the performance estimation are conducted and the prototypes are tested with the high speed blower. The sensorless scheme is adopted so the motor parts and assembly process are simplified to achieve a motor diameter size of 52 mm and 10mm in height. Together with the smart fuzzy logic control driver technology, the motor power efficiency at high speed range is regulated. Since the settling time is much decreased, the dynamic response for speed adjusting due to different dust level becomes quite better.

The experimental results show that the radial flux design consumes 0.32 A and 2.3 A separately at the free-load and full-load mode at 14,000rpm with 12 V DC bus input. This proves the phase switching control robustness of the three-phase current. To compare with the original DC motor for the blower of the battery-driven robot cleaner, the highly efficient direct-drive saves at least 50 % power consumption to effectively lessen the recharge demand. Although the axial flux design consumes more power mostly due to its coreless design, it delivers smoother acceleration curve since the cogging is negligible and the heat generated from the stator coil could be more easily transferred to the base board. In the future, the SMC stator will be adopted for the axial flux design to further evaluate the application potential of the hollow type slim motor.


Keywords:High speed blower motor, Axial Flux, Sensorless driver, Fuzzy Logic Controller, FLC

根據Winter Green 研究機構於2010的市調報告書指出[1],清掃機器(cleaning robot)已是大眾化商品,具備輕巧與便宜的特性,在全球市場方面,2009年時總值達5.06億美元,並預估2016年將成長到20億美元。供應此一全球市場的廠商一覽表如表1所示,其中iRobot®市佔率最高。另一市調網站Asia Bizz(asiabizz.com)於2011年則指出[2],在韓國,2008年有約3.6萬台數,到了2011年則成長到13萬台,這三年來平均每年均成長了53 %強,其中Samsung與LG是主要的供應商。

由於掃地機(Robot Cleaner, 表1稱Cleaning Robot)的內部電池隨葉輪(Blower)吸力變化而有約30~60 %的電能在葉輪的馬達中被損耗,現有採用之直流無刷馬達(Pmax~24W)最佳效率約60 %;同時,為了克服傢俱下方有限的高度,各家廠商希望將robot cleaner高度降至7 cm以下,其中一個關鍵高度來自於blower整體厚度,若能克服傢俱下方低矮空間,其市場接受度將提高30 %以上,整體超薄之設計形象,也將提升產品附加價值20 %以上,大幅提高現有國內廠商產品競爭力。


本文所設計馬達額定效率在80 %以上,兩款薄型馬達皆與離心扇整合一體式吸力單元,文中分別進行空載與負載實測,並比較其特性。

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