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- 機械工業雜誌
- 當期雜誌
作者 江益賢
在汽車輕量化以鋁合金材料替代鋼鐵材料的發展過程,鋁合金材料與鋼鐵材料之接合技術為重要的一環,本文主要針對鋁合金材料(6061-T6)與鋼板相關之接合性能測試分析,接合方式採用冷金屬傳輸技術(Cold Metal Transfer, CMT),屬於低入熱電弧銲接工法,此銲接技術在熔滴傳輸時將電流降至非常低,整個熔滴傳輸過程就是高頻率的“熱-冷-熱”轉換的過程,大幅降低銲接時的入熱量,適合鋁合金材料與鋼鐵材料自動化銲接應用。
Abstract: In recent years, the international oil price is continuously upwards, international automobile manufacturers and part manufacturers are all devoted to the lightweight technical development of the car. In automobile body/chassis manufacture and welding, adopt the lightweight material to replace the original steel material. Use the aluminum alloy material to substitute, so as to reduce the weight of the automobile, raise the service efficiency of the fuel and increase endurance of the electric vehicle.
The lightweight aluminum alloy material is developed in place of the steel material, welding technology is important for aluminum alloy conbined with steel. This paper is discussion welding performance of aluminum alloy to steel material. The cold metal transfer (CMT) welding method is adopted. CMT is a revolutionary welding process and precise control of the arc length. The wire moves forward, and as soon as the short circuit happens, it is pulled back again. In this way, the arc itself only inputs heat very briefly in the arcing period. In the CMT process functions with low thermal input ~30% less heat than conventional welding processes. The CMT process is suitably applying to lightweight vehicle, automatic welding for aluminum alloy combined with steel material.
Keywords:CMT welding, Cold Metal Transfer, steel/Al welding
- 銲接接頭容易產生氧化
- 銲道成分不均勻
- 銲接後變形量大
- 銲接接頭容易產生裂紋
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2012年11月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)
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