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- 機械工業雜誌
- 當期雜誌
Abstract: This paper describes the heat treatment and surface treatment application of the punching molds(dies). Variations of the products of the punching process are determined by the types of material, parts dimensions and shape, precision requirements and the production quantities . Factors affect the characteristics of the pinching molds include high wear resistance , impact resistance, better quenching and processing performance. This paper focused on the material selection of the forming die, blanking die and deep drawing die . Carbon tool steels , alloy tool steels and high speed steeels are all suitable for the application of the punching molds. This paper also focused on the heat treatment of theses typical steels. Surface treatment of CVD, PVD, TRD and ion nitriding all affect and improve the performance of the punching molds(dies) and have been commercialized for application .This paper also discussed the PVD surface treatment of the characteristics of the aluminum can cap forming mold , rubber punching mold and aluminum can pull ring mold developed by MIRDC based on the performance requirement of the molds(dies) which improve significantly on mold life .
Keywords:Punching Molds(Dies), Dimensional Precision, Heat Treatment, Surface Treatment, Wear Resistance
衝壓加工(Punching processing)是諸多金屬塑性成形加工方法之一,主要應用於板料零件之加工,且多於常溫狀態進行。衝壓製造之產品依據原材料種類、工件形狀與尺寸、精度要求、生產數量等因素有很大之變化範圍。因此,衝壓加工方法與使用衝模類別與設備也很多樣化。概括而言,衝壓加工歸納為兩大類:剪斷(shear)與成形(forming)。剪斷加工乃使衝壓件與板料沿著一定輪廓曲線分離之衝壓加工方法。成形是使衝壓件部分或整體形狀改變之衝壓加工方法。衝壓加工是一種可快速生產且完全自動化之加工技術[1],一般於200次/min以下者紴稱為低速衝壓;200~600次/min紴稱為中速衝壓;而600次/min以上者紴稱為快速衝壓。衝壓加工高速化是未來的發展趨勢之一,其目的乃為提高生產效率,為達到此目標,衝壓模具品質佔有重要的地位。為提升模具品質及其使用壽命,模具材料及處理製程之適當選用是一關鍵因素。本文即針對衝壓模具材料選用、熱處理與表面處理技術加以概述。
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