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摘要:本文探討空調系統之室內送風機用高效永磁同步電機驅控技術,以永磁同步馬達(permanent-magnet synchronous motor, PMSM)取代傳統交流感應馬達,採用創新之無量測器向量控制永磁同步驅動器,簡化驅控器設計,同時兼顧功耗降低與系統效能提升,實現綠色節能送風機產品開發驗證。本研究開發可量測定子電壓與電流達到定子磁通估測單元,進而取得轉子位置與速度估測值,搭配電壓空間向量脈寬調變技術,建立無量測器向量控制永磁同步馬達驅動系統。此外,搭配功率因數修正技術改善電源電流波形,提升功率因數(0.94~0.99)。本研究之研發驗證平台主要是英飛凌公司微控制器MCU XE164FM-72F80L,以其PWM驅動信號與電機相關輸出特性,驗證此無感測向量控制PMSM驅控器,與傳統馬達相較,整體性能提升達33%。
Abstract: The sensorless vector controlled permanent magnet synchronous motor drive without magnet-position sensor and shaft-position sensor is investigated for a fan coil unit of an air-conditioning system. First, an innovative stator flux estimator is developed with measured stator voltage and current data. The flux position and rotor speed are acquired from the flux estimator. With these calculated data, a voltage space vector pulse width modulation technology is developed for the PMSM driver. Besides, the power factor correction technique is also included to modify current waveform of the power source and the power factor of at least 0.94 is actively obtained. In order to verify the driver architect, a PMSM driver is developed and the stator currents of the motor are obtained from the Hall-Effect current sensors. The control algorithms are developed by Infineon micro-processor MCU XE164FM-72F80L for validation. With regard to the original induction motor, an overall efficiency improvement of 33% is achieved.
Keywords:PMSM drive, Sensorless DFOC, PFC
由於生活水準的提升,用電量也逐年大幅度成長。但因地球所蘊藏能源有限,使得現有節約能源技術仍有很大的發展空間,如何有效使用電力與節約能源乃成為一項重要的研究議題。空氣調節系統為包含溫度、濕度、空氣清淨度以及空氣循環的控制系統,被稱為HVAC (Heating Ventilation Air-conditioning and Cooling)。現在被使用於醫院、辦公大樓、學校、無塵室…等的中央空調,若改應用永磁同步馬達驅動送風機,將能夠較傳統以感應馬達驅動方式者,獲得良好控制性能與節能功效,已逐漸成為市場的需求趨勢,其發展商機指日可待。
應用永磁同步馬達於室內送風機(Fan Coil Unit, FCU)的系統架構如圖1所示,其以無轉子銅損的永磁同步馬達取代傳統應用感應馬達驅動方式,而讓送風機達到更高運用效能。使用者可透過操作面板調整溫度與風速,其由下達指令給微控制單元(micro control unit, MCU),驅動由PMSM所帶動的送風機,並透過所取得反電勢與電流進而精確控制轉子位置。當送風機開始運轉時,可利用出風口處所裝設的溫度感測器回授訊號給MCU處理,並送出控制信號給繼電器,而達到準確控制冰水閥開關。
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