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- 當期雜誌
Abstract: AC induction motors have been widely used in modern motor drive systems due to features such as more rugged structure and lower price compared to PM motors. The importance of induction motors will increase in high-power electric vehicles and traction applications. In these applications, the torque-speed characteristic analysis is needed, so that enough torque can be generated to drive the vehicle and load during the proper speed range. Therefore, an accurate model and construction of the model for understanding the induction motor torque-speed characteristics and performing simulation and analysis would be very useful and important.
In this paper, the phase-variable model of a three-phase ac induction motor has been constructed in the PSIM simulation tool. It can be divided into an electro-magnetic part, an electro-mechanical part, and a mechanical part in deriving the mathematical model of the induction motor. Given a three-phase input voltage and a constant load torque, the stead-state speed response can be shown to be correct. The constructed model block is also compared with the built-in model block in PSIM and MATLAB/Simulink, respectively. The speed and current responses of the three model blocks are the same. This can prove a correct model in transient responses. There are two features of the constructed model block. One feature is that the three-phase inputs are circuit-based, so it can be directly connected to the inverter for integrated system simulation. The other feature is that the load torque input is equation-based, so the load torque can be given by a mathematical function.
This paper also proposes an online computational method to obtain the torque-speed curve of an under-test induction motor. With the constructed model block, the parameters can be measured by using the conventional dc test, no-load test, and locked-rotor test methods. Then, with the tested parameters, the motor torque equation in steady state can be computed on line to obtain the motor torque-speed curve. The simulation as a dynamometer to obtain the motor torque-speed curve has also been done by using a ramp-function load torque input to the model block. From the simulation results, it can be seen that the two methods have little difference and shows the viability of the proposed online computation method for getting the motor torque-speed curve.
Keywords:AC Induction Motor, Modeling, Torque-Speed Characteristics
在文獻上有許多關於交流感應馬達與其它馬達建模的報導[1-13],可分為兩大類,其中一類是以數學方程式為基礎[1-4];另一類是以電路元件為基礎[5-13]。前者具有不能直接連接到外部電路的問題,後者具有不易加入負載轉矩與模擬馬達參數變化的問題,因此兩者皆有礙於馬達驅動器整體性能的評估與模擬。本文提出以PSIM模擬軟體建構一個交流感應馬達在靜止座標系之相變數模型,其中融合了前面兩類方法的優點,在其三相輸入端以電路元件來建構其模型,仿如一實際的馬達操作,外部並含以數學方程式建構的負載轉矩(load torque)輸入端,可以很方便直接地將此模型方塊連接到整體馬達驅動器的PWM變頻器(inverter);並做負載轉矩與馬達參數不準度或變化等整體馬達驅動器性能的評估與模擬。雖然在PSIM模擬軟體中已有內建的交流感應馬達模型,但是很不方便在此PSIM內建的交流感應馬達模型上加入負載轉矩與馬達參數變化的功能。
除此,為量測感應馬達的轉矩速度曲線,傳統上是以馬達動力計來量測,如MAGTROL Dynomometer,但此類動力計的價格甚高,本文將提出一個以線上計算方式得出一個待測感應馬達的轉矩速度曲線的方法。利用所建模型,先量測馬達參數,再以線上計算馬達轉矩方程式即可得出該待測感應馬達的轉矩速度曲線,並比較仿照動力計量測與本文所提方法的差別。
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