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導磁材料之AI 智慧磁檢探傷模組 2022/07/28
簡介 Introductions
本模組結合傳統機器視覺及深度學習之優勢並整合螢光顯示技術,以期解決現有針對表面裂痕其螢光顯影後磁檢設備商無法智慧檢測問題,透過此導磁材料之 AI 智慧磁檢探傷模組,進行可疑瑕疵檢測複判機制,減少人員複檢負擔並可上傳雲端更新檢測模型,增加螢光磁檢智慧探傷功能、提升國內磁檢設備競爭力。
This module combines the advantages of traditional machine vision and deep learning, and integrates fluorescent display technology, to solve the problem that magnetic particle inspection (MPI) equipment manufacturers cannot intelligently inspect surface cracks after magnetic testing. Through the AI smart magnetic particle inspection module of ferromagnetic materials, a re-judgment mechanism for suspicious defect inspection can be carried out. This reduces the burden of re-check operator and uploading to update the inspection model to the cloud, increasing the intelligent function of magnetic particle inspection, and enhancing the competition of domestic MPI equipment.
特色與創新 Characters and Innovations
- 藉由 AI 技術導入智慧檢測,克服傳統 AOI 設備,常因螢光磁粉殘留造成誤判率 >20%,轉換為具有人工智慧檢測能力之螢光磁檢設備,達成自動智慧探傷之目的。
- 透過可疑瑕疵檢測複判機制,減少人員複檢負擔並可上傳雲端更新檢測模型。
- Using AI technology to introduce intelligent inspection, to overcome the traditional AOI equipment, which often caused a misjudgment rate >20% due to residual fluorescent magnetic powder, and convert it into magnetic particle inspection equipment with artificial intelligence inspection capabilities to achieve the automatic intelligent MPI.
- Through the suspicious defect re-judgment mechanism, the burden of re-check operator can be reduced and the inspection model can be uploaded to the cloud for updating models.
應用與效益 Applications and Benefits
- 可降低 75% 人力需求,將人員素質提升至做更高等級工作,另改為 AI 檢測設備檢測可全天 24 小時生產並檢測,加值設備價值至少提升兩倍以上,大幅增加設備效能與競爭力。
- This module can reduce manpower requirements by 75%, improve the quality of personnel to do higher-level work, and change to AI inspecting equipment can detect and produce 24 hours a day. At least double the value of equipment, and greatly increase equipment efficiency and competitiveness.
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