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數位雙生元宇宙智慧工廠 2022/08/24
簡介 Introductions
Manufacturing AI Metaverse Factory has a human simulation function can create a sense of immersion and reality for users through VR devices at the sametime.We have cooperated with TECO's electric vehicle motor production line to establish a Manufacturing AI Metaverse Factory, which can instantly grasp the production line status, reduce unnecessary costs and improve production efficiency.
特色與創新 Characters and Innovations
- 元宇宙平台技術:串連VR裝置,結合高真實度物理引擎與擬真渲染技術,強化沈浸感與真實感。
- 人機混線互動模擬技術:除機器人與產線設備模擬外,更包含人的運動控制模擬,強化多機與人機協作之高複雜度產線,事前模擬,確保系統在安全議題下進行硬體佈建。
- Connecting VR devices in series, with high-fidelity physics engine and realistic rendering technology, enhances the sense of immersion and realism.
- Human-computer interaction simulation technology:
Add human motion control simulation to strengthen the high-complexity production line of multi-machine and human-machine collaboration.
Make sure that the system is in a safe state when the hardware is set up.
應用與效益 Applications and Benefits
- 超前模擬:透過高擬真度的模擬器技術,替客戶事前規劃工廠產線佈建,降低導入失敗風險及成本。
- 遠程專家協助:透過元宇宙技術,遠端協助高複雜場域作業進行故障排除。
- 元宇宙教練:使用VR裝置於元宇宙中進行沉浸式設備與系統操作教育訓練。
- Production lines are planned Through high-fidelity simulator in advance to reduce risks and costs.
- Remote assistance system: Remote assistance in high-complex field operations for troubleshooting.
- Metaverse Coach: Use VR equipment to conduct immersive system operation education training in Metaverse.