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轉向架走行測試設備 2022/07/12
簡介 Introductions
Bogie Running Tester (BRT) is jointly developed by Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) and Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation (THSRC). Based on the existing maintenance procedures of train bogies, BRT is deployed as an additional checkpoint that aiming to confirm the bogie operation and find out the cause of the abnormality in advance, by performing high speed operation in the depot before the test in the main line. The utility of BRT is to break through the maintenance bottleneck of staff, improve the quality of train maintenance and reduce the cost of time and manpower.
特色與創新 Characters and Innovations
- 國內首座列車轉向架走行測試設備,測試能力媲美國際,性價比遠勝於日、德機種。
- 導入工業 4.0 預兆診斷、人工智慧與大數據分析的技術,預防設備老化,判定測試設備馬達及軸承在高速運轉下的狀態是否正常。
- 設備建置及維修零件在地化,轉向架的檢修保養服務更即時、有效率。
- The first domestic train bogie running tester, the test capability is comparable to the international ones and its cost performance ratio is far better than the Japanese and German models.
- The technology of Industry 4.0 predictive diagnosis, artificial intelligence and big data analysis is introduced to prevent equipment aging, and to determine whether the motor and bearing of the test equipment are in normal state under high-speed operation.
- The build and parts are localized, the repair and maintenance service of bogie will be more immediate and efficient.
應用與效益 Applications and Benefits
- 國內外高速鐵路及一般中、低速鐵路運營商。
- Applications: High-speed railway and general medium and low-speed railway operators in domestic and international markets.
轉向架走行測試設備 (Bogie Running Tester, BRT)
工研院攜手台灣高鐵 臺首座轉向架走行測試設備啟用