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智慧化軌道巡檢機車 2022/07/12
簡介 Introductions
This small inspection vehicle is mainly aimed at the requirements of track inspection, equip with the advantages of lightweight and low-noise. Combined with the Permanent Way Information System (PWIS), to achieve intelligent track inspection and information reporting functions, reduce manpower burden, and improve track inspection efficiency.
特色與創新 Characters and Innovations
- 使用電動馬達為動力,具備零排放和低噪音優點,大改善巡檢人員工作環境。
- 車體以輕量化鋁合金製造,採用前 / 後獨立模組設計,兩名人員即可從月台搬運至軌道,並且於軌道快速組裝,完成出勤準備。
- 具備旋轉機構和換向系統專利設計的轉向座椅裝置。可於 30 秒內完成巡軌載具的方向調轉。
- 巡檢人員可以使用文字,照像,錄影和錄音四種方式建立災損資訊,並回傳至後台資訊管理系統。行控中心人員訊息掌握度高。
- Electric Power Vehicle (low noise, no air pollution).
- Vehicle body:(1)Made of aluminum alloy; (2)Front/rear separate module design;(3) 2 peoples can carry easily and assembly quickly.
- By rotating the seat instead of the body to achieve the turning direction, it takes less than 30 seconds to complete.
- Inspectors can choose different formats to report inspection information on time by PWIS.
應用與效益 Applications and Benefits
- 應用於軌道快速巡檢並提升軌道巡檢效率。
- Applications : Indoor warehouse goods picking and shipping, stores inventory.