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高速飛輪儲能系統 2023/07/11

簡介 Introductions


High-speed flywheels provide a more eco-friendly energy-storage service, since more than 99% of its composition is recyclable. Flywheels feature a long life cycle (approx. 25~30 years), no limit on charging/discharging depth, and high power density (several times that of chemical batteries), hence are very suitable for power-oriented energy-storage applications.

特色與創新 Characters and Innovations

  • 高功率以符合百瓩等級應用。
  • 高速儲能,達50 Wh/kg以上能量密度。
  • 數小時長儲能時間。
  • 能量轉換效率95%以上。
  • 飛輪並聯技術拓展系統功率及儲能量。
  • High-power design fit for applications requiring power at hundreds-of-kW level.
  • Use of high speed rotor achieves energy density over 50 Wh/kg.
  • Energy storage which lasts for hours.
  • Energy conversion efficiency over 95%.
  • Parallel-connected flywheel for higher system power and energy storage capacity.

應用與效益 Applications and Benefits

  • 具開發高速飛輪雛型能力及設施,可協助客戶進行系統應用開發,並進行實際場域建置或硬體在環模擬驗證環境。
  • Equipped with the capability and the facilities to prototype high-speed flywheels, assisting customers to carry out system-wise development either through field testing or hardware-in-the-loop testing.

聯絡 contact

  • 彭明燦 Ming-tsan Peng
  • TEL: 886-3-5919152
  • FAX: 886-3-5820456
  • E-mail: mtpeng@itri.org.tw


高速飛輪儲能系統飛輪系統原型 飛輪系統原型

飛輪系統雛型 Flywheel System Prototype