工研院開發高功率密度整合式發電機(Integrated Starter Generator, ISG)和複合雙槳推進模組,結合輕量化航空發動機開發的油電混合動力系統,打造高有效載荷和持續時間長的八軸多旋翼多功能無人機。在負載30kg 的情況下,耐久性可達到45 分鐘,若有效載荷僅為20kg,則巡航時間可長達1 小時。無人機的懸停和低空高負荷操作功能提供了多種應用,如中/ 高壓電網輸配電系統的供電和傳輸系統檢查和絕緣子清洗、應用於山區的特殊植物保護和平坦區域大規模植物保護應用、應急救援物資輸送裝置及空中救災通信站。
This drone is actually a down-sized replica. Commercially, drones are known for taking very cool aerial photos. However, they don’t really have further use because they can’t withstand heavy payloads. Our drones are designed for special applications, such as agriculture, infrastructure surveillance and rescue operations. It can withstand a heavy payload of up to 50kg and maintain a long flight time of 45mins. So during natural disasters, our drones can help carry large boxes to affected areas not accessible to humans. It can also be used to spray pesticides to help prevent workers from suffering work injury. This team won 1st place in the 2020 Drone X Challenge held in Dubai and is able to deliver drone related technologies, including motor, controller and body design as well as SW applications.