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- 智慧機電
簡介 Introductions
IMP-3內建微處理器(Dual-core ARM Cortex-A9),具8軸伺服馬達開迴路或閉迴路同動控制能力,提供硬體PID與FeedForward位置閉迴路控制法則,解決追隨誤差與穩態誤差問題;亦可選配硬體3D編碼計數器比較栓鎖值與龍門雙軸跟隨誤差補償功能。位置閉迴路控制採用PID控制法則,以-10V至10V之速度命令驅動;在脈波輸出控制,可讀回馬達編碼器值。
Every IMP-3 has a built-in microprocessor (Dual-core ARM Cortex-A9), and supports synchronous motion control of up to 8 servo motors for either open-loop or closed-loop. It also provides hardware-based PID, feed-forward closed-loop control algorithms, 3D encoder compare latch function, synchronous gantry tracking error compensation, PID closed-loop control using -10V to 10V range command speed, and, in pulse mode, the encoder value can be read. Furthermore, it also provides a servo control interface that allows users to design their own motion command control algorithm.
特色與創新 Characters and Innovations
- 提供軟體伺服控制介面。
- 支援硬體3D編碼計數器比較栓鎖值功能。
- 支援龍門同動控制。
- 支援多軸同動運動軌跡規劃。
- 支援關節型機器手臂軌跡規劃。
- Provides servo control interface.
- Supports 3D encoder compare latch function.
- Supports synchronous gantry control.
- Supports multi-axis synchronous motion trajectory planning.
- Supports articulated robot arm trajectory planning.
應用與效益 Applications and Benefits
- 多軸精密伺服控制。
- 步進馬達或伺服馬達控制。
- Multi-axis precision servo control.
- Stepping motor or servo motor control.
聯絡 contact
- 李峰吉 Feng-Chi Lee
- TEL:886-3-59193725
- FAX:886-3-5826594
- E-mail: lifengchi@itri.org.tw
智慧型運動控制平台 Intelligent Motion Control Platform (IMP-3)
運動控制函式庫 Motion Control Command Library (MCCL)