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磁通旋變同步感應電機 2023/07/20
簡介 Introductions
- 「磁通旋變同步感應電機」的創新性,在其導體條與磁阻單元結合,使用巧妙的轉子拓樸設計,突破傳統感應電機的效率極限。換言之,此項技術使用一種簡單、巧妙、低成本、無驅動的方式,達到超過IE5級的馬達效率標準。同時,磁通旋變高效電機不含稀土材料,極具低成本效益的技術,實現了高效率突破、同步旋轉、線性啟動等特性,且兼具相同尺寸大小,可直接替代傳統感應馬達等優勢。
- RoftSIM is ITRI's effort in improving the efficiency of traditional induction motors. It can switch from an asynchronous mode to a synchronous mode and can operate at an IE5+ class efficiency without overly sacrificing the original beneficial characteristics of an induction motor. Reluctance-Units are incorporated, where patterned openings are punched into the silicon lamination layer, which then confines the magnetic flux to the fixed channel. The improved efficiency of the RoftSIM comes from the reduction in rotor copper loss and is expected to greatly reduce carbon footprint. RoftSIM also outperforms existing products in its low production cost, ability to line-start, and the reduction of complexity as it does not require a magnet.
特色與創新 Characters and Innovations
- 不使用稀土材料。
- 創新磁路設計達到低能損產生,讓馬達以最低成本最快效率升級。
- 在機構上,僅有轉子鋼片的磁通拓樸形狀有所差異。
- 新馬達效率水準成功超越IE3,甚至是能滿足IE4及未來的IE5等級要求。曾
- 入圍2017年R&D100獎
應用與效益 Applications and Benefits
磁通旋變同步感應電機 Rotor Flux Tailoring Syncing Induction Motor (RoftSIM)