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簡介 Introductions
ITRI' s Software-defined Augmented Robot Joint (SARJ) won R&D 100 Awards. SARJ, the software enhanced robot joint as an effective building block for versatile mechatronic applications, enables modular robot arm, autonomous mobile robot and many other potential motion-actuation applications more conveniently being developed. Moreover, SARJ equipped with a powerful digital twin platform takes care every aspect of the application-oriented robot formulation.
ITRI's patented SARJ presents a modern and unique stacking design that features integrated high-power-density electric drive modules. SARJ has the highest torque-to-volume ratio in the industry, with 40% less body weight in comparison to robots of the same grade. SARJ's plug-and-play design also allows users to quickly build up customized and flexible multi-joint modular robots. Nowadays, this technology is used in the high-tech and precision machinery industries, but it has potential to be immersed into business, home appliance and medical fields.
特色與創新 Characters and Innovations
- 採用積木式堆疊設計,使用者可以依據自身需求,快速建構客製化、符合產線需求的多關節模組機器人。
- 無需額外加裝外部力感測模組,整體重量相比同等級機器人減輕40%。
- 透過AI的加持,關節模組擁有跟人一樣的觸覺,具感知能力。
- 關節重量跟使用耐久性都提高20%以上,提升產業應用層面。
應用與效益 Applications and Benefits
- 已技轉至精密機械大廠,實際運用於生產線上。
- 朝能舉起更大公斤數的機器人關節模組進行挑戰。
高功率軟體定義增強型機器人關節模組 Software-defined Augmented Robot Joint (SARJ)