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- 智慧車輛
簡介 Introductions
我們使用 IEEE P2846、SOTIF 以及 ISO 26262 分別驗證自駕車決策控制的安全性、擴展操作設計範圍以及改善電子設備的功能安全。符合國際安全標準的虛實整合安全驗證是我們實現無安全駕駛自駕運行的關鍵技術。
We used IEEE P2846, SOTIF, and ISO 26262 to verify the safety of autonomous vehicle’s decision-making, expand the operational design domain, and improve the functional safety of the E/E systems, respectively. The cyber-physical safety verification complying with international safety standards is the key technology to launching self-driving operations without a safety driver.
特色與創新 Characters and Innovations
- 安全驗證導入 IEEE P2846、SOTIF 和 ISO 26262。
- 1200 種以上的高擬真台灣交通情境。
- 混合實境測試。
- Apply IEEE P2846, SOTIF, and ISO 26262 to safety verification.
- More than 1,200 high-fidelity Taiwan traffic scenarios.
- Mixed-reality testing.
應用與效益 Applications and Benefits
- 讓自駕車適應臺灣的交通特色與駕駛行為。
- 提昇自駕系統安全性。
- 加速自駕車規模化商業落地。
- Adapt autonomous vehicles to Taiwan’s traffics and driving behaviors.
- Improve the safety of autonomous vehicles.
- Accelerate the commercialization of autonomous vehicles on a large scale.