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- 機械工業雜誌
作者 陳佳盟
Abstract:Electric vehicles not only drive the transformation of the traditional automobile industry, but also promote new automobile technology. The automobile industry is the most important application of machine tools. Due to the great difference in the demand for machine tools for electric vehicles and fuel vehicles in the manufacture of power system components, when the number of electric vehicles gradually grows, the demand for machine tools will be significantly affected. It is estimated that electric vehicles will account for more than 25% of the automobile market in 2030. Asia is the largest market with the proportion of global automobile sales accounting for 58%. Therefore, the layout of Asian machine tool countries in the field of electric vehicles will naturally receive considerable attention. This article will select three most representative Asian machine tool countries, including Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea, as the research objects to explore the current development of electric vehicles, and further analyze the needs and layout of the local machine tool industry in the field of electric vehicles.
Keywords:Machine tool, Electric vehicle, Asia
目前全球應用在汽機車相關零組件製造業的工具機,約占總體市場45~50% [1]。電動車數量持續增加,主要是因為動力系統改變,而影響工具機總體需求。如圖1可以看到,預估2025年前後,電動車數量成長將對工具機市場規模造成顯著影響,到2030年,工具機汽車應用市場規模,估計將較2018~2019年平均值減少10~15%(約45~67億美元)。
圖1 汽車產業用工具機市場規模與電動車數量趨勢
表1說明工具機需求被電動車趨勢削弱的根本原因。從表格中可以從中發現,ICE (Internal Combustion Engine燃油車)不需要電池,而BEV(Battery Electric Vehicles)不需要ICE powertrain(內燃機動力總成)與Exhaust system(排氣系統),然而ICE powertrain卻是需要最多工具機的系統(共需9種工具機類型)。另外,值得注意的是,電池組(Battery)構造簡單(僅需三項零組件)不需太多工序與工具機介入,但卻占BEV成本30%以上。因此,雖然工具機處境非常嚴峻,但是電動車製造也還是有一些設備商機存在,接下來將針對商機進行說明。
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