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- 機械工業雜誌
作者 廖剛立
摘要:近年來消費性3C電子產品蓬勃發展,尤其以智慧型手機(Smartphone)尤為亮眼,在多元化的附加功能不斷增加下,一台產品所搭載的零組件數量明顯增加。在產品逐漸往小型化發展的過程中,對於被動元件產業皆是新的契機。對於新應用領域的產業,諸如:LED TV、電子書、iPod、觸控面板等產品,都涵蓋了被動元件的應用範圍,對於未來產業發展趨勢,被動元件產品也將會因應3C產品持續朝更小型化發展。
Abstract: People worldwide have enjoyed improved living standards over the last few decades. At the same time, demand for digital multimedia products has been growing rapidly, with the focus shifting to 3C- (computing, communication, and consumer) and IA- (information application) related products. The trend of 3C products has been toward high performance, high power and energy density, long cycle life with compact size.
The trend of miniaturization of 3C product such as smartphone, LED TV, E books, iPod, touch panel, etc. is a new opportunity to passive component industries as well as new challenge to the process of development. In this article we try to discuss and explain on why laser application include ceramics substrates scribing and resistor trimming become more and more important in passive component industries as chip size getting smaller and smaller.
關鍵詞:晶片電阻、陶瓷、 電阻印刷
Keywords:Chip- Resistor, Ceramic, Resistance Printing
以3C產品的為例,以往一台手機大多搭載80~150顆上下的晶片電阻如圖一,隨著智慧型手機日漸蓬勃,目前一台智慧型手機平均搭載210~250顆的晶片電阻,幾乎是傳統手機的兩倍的數量,且因智慧型手機在功能日漸增加的趨勢下,每台產品所搭載的零組件數量明顯增加,故逐步以01005取代0201如圖二。再以iPod如圖三為例,一台iPod約需150-200顆0201電阻,約佔總數的六至七成,但在iPod功能逐步增加的情況下,01005規格在iPod的佔比將與0201相當,筆記型電腦(NB)產品也有相同趨勢,DDR2轉換至DDR3如圖四的發展中,也可看到被動元件使用數量有增多現象,且在DDR3中多採用0201規格的被動元件。目前晶片電阻雖是以0402規格的應用為主流,但是0201的使用量與0402也有當的趨勢,甚至大部分高階產品已開始採用 01005規格的產品。由此可看出,所需被動元件的數量增多並且體積需求也相對減小。
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