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The process specification requirements of customers in Taiwan's printed circuit board industry are increasing. The plasma uniformity of existing IC substrate plasma processing equipment is poor (70-75%), leading to low single-chip yield, significant differences between wafers, and poor process uniformity (only 50-60%). Improving the uniformity of the process is necessary to increase the value of the circular economy without increasing the overall material cost. The purpose of this article is to discuss the design and software development of electrode modules for IC carrier plasma equipment. In electrode module design, special flow channels are created, analyzed, and simulated for cooling water channels and air flow fields. In electronic control planning and design, the main focus is on the main power supply, signal input and output, gas flow, low-frequency power supply, temperature sensor, solenoid valve, and other electronic control components. Manual and automated modes, process settings, system settings, data queries, exception records, user management functions, and other screens are among the equipment operation modes in software development. At the same time, by combining Premtek's process optimization technology, the verification of high process uniformity (>85%) will aid in the localization of IC substrate plasma equipment. Our objective is to substitute the current equipment problems of poor uniformity and lengthy and difficult maintenance with new ones.
綜合以上因素影響蝕刻均勻性,間接導致IC載板各片清潔品質不一,而目前僅能在設備生產完成後,以實機測試方式確認蝕刻均勻性來進行電漿模組的優化,導致開發成本過高且開發時程過長。因此,如何有效縮短設備開發時程與減少開發成本且保證IC載板清潔的品質,一直是IC載板電漿設備最關注的議題。圖1為本文IC載板電漿腔體與電極模組相對位置示意圖,在IC載板電漿設備之電極模組設計上,透過特殊的流道設計,並藉由Ansys Fluent軟體數值模擬(熱傳導[2]與氣流場[3])分析技術進行電極均溫分析,同時搭配各式氣體進出口的設計,使得設備生產前得知各設計的流場均勻性[4][5],並以優化氣體進出口分布、數量、尺寸等重要參數,進而縮短設備開發時程與開發成本。
圖1 IC載板電漿腔體與電極模組相對位置示意圖
1. 電極模組設計
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