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- 機械工業雜誌
- 歷史雜誌
作者 呂志輝
本文主要研究利用專利產品軟性可撓貼覆式表面溫度偵測器(flexible surface temperature sensor, FSTS),設計製作針對各種機電系統設備異常溫度偵測之技術應用研究及解決方案。其研究結果可提供建築機電工程設計者、工廠製程機器設備及相關產業類別機電設備維護者,一個創新有效的系統實例及應用參考。
Abstract: In today's industrial environment, various plant production processes use large-scale equipment, as well as high- and low-voltage power distribution devices for buildings. In addition, important devices or engine rooms with central air conditioning, central hot water/steam, communications, agriculture, food, and healthcare systems often suffer from abnormal temperature rises in the devices, as a result of improper construction, poor environment, negligence in maintenance, usage overload, etc. These can cause damage to devices, power failures, and accidents, thereby causing numerous serious damages to the company, property, and personnel. Therefore, it is very important to have a temperature sensing system to measure abnormal heating, is of utmost importance should have very high accuracy, a fast response speed, and be of low cost. It should also include functions such as a display, an alarm, and transmission. This can then give an early warning, allowing for precautionary measures to be taken.
This study mainly focuses on a Flexible Surface Temperature Sensor (FSTS) and designs a device providing a solution to detect and measure abnormal temperatures in electromechanical system devices. The results of this study provide an innovative and effective reference for design for electromechanical engineers and for maintenance workers operating plant processing equipment and related industrial electromechanical devices by using practical case studies on the system.
Keywords:Abnormal Temperature in Devices, Flexible Surface Temperature Sensor (FSTS), Surface Temperature Sensor
機電設備溫度異常發熱原因[2-9],如:1.電動機軸承(bearing)變形、角度、潤滑不足、過載。2.變壓器過載、冷卻油溫度太高。3.電容器及電抗器過載、接觸不良、材質劣化。4.高壓斷路開關及電纜之接續導體端子接觸不良過載。5.互感器過載、接觸不良。6.發電機、熱水爐之過載、設備老化及溫度控制器故障。7.匯流排槽 (bus way)過載、接頭施工接觸不良、進水潮溼短路等發熱之主因。而對於欲診斷之機器設備異常溫度升高部位,應檢查其產生之熱,是屬於經常性或短暫性,並慎重分析採用的檢測器元件與測試方法,才是高效率的評估診斷關鍵。
故本文提出了以白金(platinum)電阻體Pt 100 Ω為主要核心元件的電阻式感測器(resistance temperature detector, RTD) [10],之專利產品「軟性可撓貼覆式表面溫度偵測器」[11, 12],(中華民國專利證號:M331662、中華人民共和國專利證號:ZL2010202939219)。研究及實際設計應用於機電系統,作為設備異常溫度監測的最佳利器,除了結合現場端的監視警報電譯可操作外,並可利用有線通訊(wire communication)技術[13]與無線通訊(wireless communication)技術[14]之架構,達到遠端的集中監視功能。
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2016年09月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)