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- 歷史雜誌
作者 顏得宗
Abstract: Off-shore wind turbines with more power rating have been considered to reduce the cost of energy, since the cost of foundation increases slowly with the power rating. Also, there has been a trend towards direct drive wind turbines, omitting the gearbox to increase reliability. Both kinds of traditional direct drive wind turbines, namely generators using copper windings and using permanent magnets, will be larger and heavier with increasing the power rating, making it difficult to install 10 MW or above off-shore wind turbines. With the superconducting windings, superconducting generators will make it possible to produce light-weighted and small-sized off-shore wind turbines with large power rating, such as 10 MW superconducting wind turbines. In addition, superconducting cables can reduce the resistive dissipation when transmitting electric power from off-shore wind turbines to on-shore sites. Due to the ability to transmit power via low voltage, superconducting cables make it not necessary to install transformer in each off-shore wind turbine. In this article, we will discuss the advantages of superconducting generators and superconducting cables in wind power industry.
Keywords:High Temperature Superconductor, Wind Turbine, Generator
1911年荷蘭物理學家Heike Kamerlingh Onnes發現,水銀的電阻在絕對溫度4.2 K以下完全消失,並將之稱為超導現象,超導轉變的溫度則稱為臨界溫度Tc。隨著越來越多超導體的發現,臨界溫度也緩慢由水銀的4.2 K提升到Nb3Ge的23 K。由於臨界溫度低,在實際應用上,必須使用液態氦冷卻,以維持超導態。昂貴的冷卻成本,使得超導應用侷限於科研與醫療,例如超導磁鐵、粒子加速器、及磁振造影(MRI)等。
23 K的Tc紀錄一直維持到1986年為止,Bednorz及Müller發現La2-xBaxCuO4的Tc可達到30 K以上,並於不久後發現La2-xBaxCuO4的Tc更高,達到40 K。隔年,朱經武教授與吳茂昆博士發現YBa2Cu3O7(YBCO)超導體,Tc從40 K大幅提升至90 K以上,超過液態氮的沸點77 K,如圖1。此後陸續發現其他銅氧化物超導體,臨界溫度也一路提升至100 K以上,例如:Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10的Tc便可達110 K,而HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8的Tc更達130 K。
傳統超導體的臨界溫度低,稱為低溫超導體,實際應用時,運作溫度多在4.2 K或更低溫,必須使用昂貴的液態氦冷卻;而銅氧化物超導體臨界溫度遠比傳統超導體高,因此稱為高溫超導體。在實際應用上,運作溫度介於20~80 K之間,冷卻方式可以採用比液態氦便宜許多的氦氣封閉循環或是更便宜的液態氮。
高溫超導之所以極具應用價值,除了Tc高,可以降低冷卻成本外,高溫超導的上臨界磁場Hc2也高,YBCO的Hc2在溫度4.2 K時達168 T(Tesla),而Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8在同樣溫度下,高達200 T。Hc2高,表示超導體可以用於提供更強的磁場。
更完整的內容歡迎訂購 2016年10月號 (單篇費用:參考材化所定價)